Time to relax

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The next day Kion woke up to see where he was. He saw that he was home and he could feel a warmth coming from someone laying beside him. He looked to his right and saw that Fuli was laying beside him.

Kion: You are so beautiful

He thought for himself

Kion: Well we can't lay here all day. We need to go to work.

That was how Kions brain reacted but his body wouldn't move at all.

Kion: Well I guess we can sleep a little longer

he thought

He laid his head down again and smiled when he heard Fuli purr. He fell asleep again.

Two hours later

Kion woke up again and he could see that the sun was at it's highest point.

Kion: Oh no we have been sleeping for too long!

He tries to wake Fuli up and tell her that they need to wake up now.

Kion: Hey Fuli please wake up

he whispers in her ear

Fuli wakes up

Fuli: Huh? Kion what is it?

She asks confused

Kion: We have overslept and I have a feeling that there has been trouble in the Pridelands.

Fuli: Oh then let's meet up with the Guard immediatly!

She says avid

She runs out of the den and into the lair and dust is all over the den

Kion: Hey Fuli wait for me!

He coughs a little and then runs after her

At the Lion Guard lair

The two felines runs into the lair worried

Kion: Guys! guys!

He yells

Ono: What is wrong Kion?

He asks slowly

Kion: Haven't there been any trouble?

He asks worried

Ono: No not at all

He smiles at him

Kion: Well that is great to hear.

He has now calmned down

Bunga: What took you two so long to begin with?

He asks with crossed arms

Fuli: What do you think happend?!

She says angry

Kion: Easy Fuli Bunga just asked us a question.

He nuzzles her and she calms down

Kion: We just overslept. And we are sorry for that. I promise it won't happen again.

He says calm

Fuli: So I guess that there is nothing else to do than relax?

Ono: Seems like that

Ono starts to clean his feathers

Kion: Well if that is how the day is going to be, why don't we go to the  wateringhole in this beautiful weather we have instead of being in the lair?

He asks them while smiling

Beshte: Kion is right let's go to the wateringhole and let's spent the rest of the day there.

They all agrees and they are heading towards the wateringhole.

At the wateringhole

Bunga: ahh. That was a good idea you got Kion to spent the day here at the wateringhole.

He says relaxed

Kion: Well gotta admit you are right Bunga

Kion closes his eyes and then let's out a relieving sigh

Fuli sees that Kion begins to fall asleep and she walks up and lay down beside him. He opens his eyes and then closes them again then he realises that it's Fuli rubbing against his fur.

Time pass on and it's getting dark

Kion yawns and stretches his body. Fuli wakes up and sees that it's getting dark.

Fuli: Is it getting dark already?

She asks questioning

Kion: Apparently it is. I didn't know it would get dark this early.

Kion: Well everyone it was nice to hang out with you today. But we to say goodbye to each other and go home for today. But hopefully we can do this again soon. Anyways see you guys tommorow

He smiles and says goodbye

Bunga, Ono and beshte: Bye Kion. And sleep tight!

They take different pathways and soon they are all out of site leaving Kion and Fuli behind.

Kion: Well we should go home it's getting late.

He yawns

Fuli: Yeah that's a good idea. I'm also getting pretty tired.

She yawns too.

Kion: Well let's go then

He says tired

They walk towards Pride Rock but suddenly Kion hears laughter in the distance.

Kion: Oh no could that be?

He says worried and looks at Fuli

Fuli: Well we gotta do something

She smiles at Kion

Kion: You are right. Besides it's just Janja all by himself. He is no math for us!

He smiles with a confident look on his face.

They run in the direction where they can hear Janja laughing.

But what they don't realise is how dark it is.

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