Bunga's apology

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Fuli and Bunga was walking towards Pride Rock. Fuli was still mad at Bunga for not being more carefull of what he was doing.

Bunga: Oh come on Fuli you can't still be mad at me

He says trying to make her talk with him.

Fuli dosen't answer

Bunga: Fine. No it's really fine. I can play that game too. Nothing is coming out of my mouth. Nope nothing is gonna come out of my mouth.

He says annoyed

He can barely take 5 minutes

Bunga: Come on Fuli please talk to me again. I can't take this anymore!

He says frustrated

Fuli looks down at him. She rolls her eyes and begins to talk.

Fuli: Okay Bunga do you even know why I'm mad at you?

Bunga: Yes I know it's because.....

Fuli looks at him again in serious way

Bunga: Acually I don't really know

He scratches the back of his head

Fuli stops

Fuli: Ughh it's because you always does the most stupiest things sometimes. And that could almost end bad for Kion!

She says worried for him

Bunga looks at Kion that is on Fuli's back.

Bunga: Okay Fuli I promise to be more careful from now on.

He has his claws across his heart

Fuli: That's great to hear, but you still have to tell Simba what happend.

Bunga stops

Bunga: I thoght we were good

He says a little frustrated

Fuli: Well maybe if you tell Simba all what happend and I mean ALL of it. Then I think I will reconsider the talk I want to have with you.

She smiles

Bunga: Oh thank you so much Fuli I don't know have to thank you

He says happy

Fuli: Impress me when you are talking to Simba. And one last thing. Please don't call him bro are anything like that. It's not playing it cool

Bunga: Sure thing. Won't say any of those things I promise.

Fuli: Well we are almost at Pride Rock.

Pride Rock is in the distance

Bunga: Well here goes

At Pride Rock

Simba sees Fuli and Bunga and his son on Fuli's back. He waits for them to tell him what's going on.

Bunga and Fuli greets Simba

Fuli: Hello you're majesty

She bows

Bunga: Hello you're highness. You look sharp today

He makes finger guns, winks and then makes a clicking sound with his mouth.

Fuli glares at him

Bunga: What? I didn't make it awkward

Simba: Hello to you too. I see that my son is unconscious. Any of you that want to explain what happend?

He asks curious

Bunga takes one step forward that made Fuli surprised

Bunga: I have

He says a little scared

Simba was suprised too, but then he asked Bunga what happend.

Bunga: Well it all began....

He talks in about 15 minutes and he didn't forget even one detail.

Bunga: So that's why we are here now. And I understand if you are mad. If you are then please leave Fuli out of this. I was the one who did this to begin with. So if you want to yell at anyone it should be me. And I'm sorry

He takes a deep breath

Simba: Wow Bunga that's really nice to see that you stood up for yourself. And don't worry I'm not mad at you I'm glad you told the truth and I except you're apology.

Bunga looks at him with excitement.

Bunga: What really?!

Simba nods

Bunga: Thank you so much

Both Fuli and Bunga walks out of Pride Rock.

Fuli: Wow Bunga I didn't know you had it in you.

Bunga: Well to be fair I didn't know too.

Fuli: But Bunga that means I'm going to keep my word. We don't need to talk.

Bunga: And I promise to keep my word that is to be more careful.

Fuli: Well it's getting late. See ya tommorow Bunga

Bunga: See you tommorow Fuli!

They go different ways. Bunga heads for Hakuna Matata Falls and Fuli heads for Pride Rock

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