Something is wrong with the roar

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Kion and Janja pounced on several jackals. And the jackals gave up quickly.

Kion: Do you give up Reirei?

He smiled victorious

Reirei: Ha us jackals never give up that easilly!

She said not giving up.

Kion: If that is what you want

He said and signaled to Janja that he should get behind him.

Kion roared Reirei and her jackals all the way over to Makuu's territory.

When Kion was finished he said

Kion: Wow the roar felt more powerful than it is used to!

He said surprised

But suddenly something happend. The roar turned back against Kion and blasted him miles away.

Kion: Wooooahh!!

He yelled while flying through the air

He landed again on the dusty ground

Janja ran towards Kion to see if he was okay. Kion was knocked out for some time until Janja was by his side.

Janja: Kion are you okay?!

He asked worried for him

Kion: I think so. That was just so weird. The roar have never done that before.

He said confused from what just happend.

Janja: Very weird indeed. You just went through the air like a wild goose!

He said kinda laughing

Kion got back at his feet but he couldn't barely walk. He tried to walk but he fell.

Janja: Oh no. Kion!

He yelled frightened

Janja: You are not okay Kion. Please let me have a look at you.

He said serious

Kion: Okay fine

He gave him permission

Janja felt with his paw on Kion's arm and Kion whined. It was just like he thought. His bones were broken.

Janja: I'm afraid to say this but I found the problem. And you might not be happy to hear it.

He said serious

Kion: Please tell me what it is. I'm sure I can handle it.

He asured

Janja sighed

Janja: Okay. You're bones in both of you're arms are broken.

Kion couldn't believe what he heard.

Kion: No this can't be true! Why would this happen?! Why did my roar not work probably?!

He said frustrated

Janja: I don't know. But I know a wise mandrill who might know. But we have to get you to the Pridelands again.

Janja supported him so he could walk a little bit but not much.

Kion grunted

Kion: Ow!

Janja stopped

Janja: Kion if it hurts that much on you. Then I have to carry you.

He said worried

Kion nodded and then Janja took him on his back.

Janja: Agathi can you please come out of you're hiding spot now?!

He yelled

Suddenly the hyena ran out from her hiding spot and saw the injured Kion.

Agathi: Oh my god what happend to him?!

She said worried

Janja: I'm sorry but we don't have time for this right now. I promise I will tell you later.

He nuzzled her

Agathi: Okay. Just tell me what to do.

Janja: Okay. Remember Rafiki?

Agathi nodded

Janja: Good. Go to Rafiki's tree and say that we need him.

Agathi nodded and ran away.

After a few hours Kion's arms was covered in leaves with medicine.

Rafiki: Okay Kion you need to wear the bandages on for a month!

The mandrill said calm

Kion nodded and just layed down and relaxed

Rafiki then walked over to Janja and said.

Rafiki: You are a very good friend to Kion. Please continue that. And maybe you and Agathi can live here in the Pridelands if you continue to do what you do now.

He said and walked away

A month has passed and Kions legs have just healed. He decided to test his roar again. He roared and the same thing happend again.

Kion flew through the air and landed on the ground again. But this time he broke all of his legs.

Kion: No not again!

He yelled angry and frustrated

He got leaves around his legs again. And then he was ready to walk again he talked to Rafiki.

Kion: Rafiki?

He asked worried

Rafiki heard him and jumped down from the tree.

Rafiki: Yes Kion. You called me?

He said calm

Kion: Yes I came here because it has something to do about my roar......

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