Chapter 6

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Hey guys before we begin just a quick thank you for reading, commenting and voting.

It means a lot and I don't wanna rush this series but I wanna finish it before I get writers block, anyways let's get on with the story!


          ~~Virgil's P.O.V~~

I slam the door shut and lock it quickly before sliding down the back of it.

"What's wrong, Virge?" Depression asks me worried while sliding down next to me with a arm going over my shoulder.

"They know Dee and I'm scared they'll hate me and get even more worried about me." Some tear slip down my face and I put my head on his lap.

"Don't be worried, they'll hate on me but hey its my job." He replies while running his hand through my hair, "when was the last time you played the piano?" He asks with a smug on his face.

"I only once but Patton saw me so I got really embarrassed." I squirt out and blushing.

"How about we got to our secret music room and sing me a song?" I nod relentlessly  so he helps me off the floor and we go.

   《 To secret music room 》

"Anything new you've learned?" He asks with a huge grin on his face.

"Yeah, I guess." I mumble while brushing over the keys and getting ready to play.

Every day, I imagine a future where I can be with you
In my hand is a pen that will write a poem of me and you
The ink flows down into a dark puddle
Just move your hand - write the way into his heart!
But in this world of infinite choices
What will it take just to find that special day?
What will it take just to find that special day?

Have I found everybody a fun assignment to do today?
When you're here, everything that we do is fun for them anyway
When I can't even read my own feelings
What good are words when a smile says it all?
And if this world won't write me an ending
What will it take just for me to have it all?

Does my pen only write bitter words for those who are dear to me?
Is it love if I take you, or is it love if I set you free?
The ink flows down into a dark puddle
How can I write love into reality?
If I can't hear the sound of your heartbeat
What do you call love in your reality?
And in your reality, if I don't know how to love you
I'll leave you be (I had to copy and paste the lyrics so idk if this is the whole song but fuck it)

I turn around to see a incoming hug from Dee and spot Logan, Patton and Roman in the doorway so I eminently jump and bolt out but I'm stopped by a hand on shoulder shoulder.

"Your really good, kiddo." Patton says so dad like, "You shouldn't be embrassed but embrace it." I feel my cheeks get really red under my white foundation so I bolt to my room.


Wow 522 words, I'm proud of myself but granted the song had a lot in it.

I love ddcl and your reality so place support the game and Team Salvato for it and it's not mine but there's!

I won't be always spam posting like I said at the start of the chapter.

Thanks for voting, commenting  and reading so later guys, gals and non- binary pals, peace out! ☆

~ Lightning

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