Chapter 20

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           ~~Logan's P.O.V~~

"Oh my god!" I stepped back almost jumping as I watch Roman fall to the floor.

He was twitching, he's lost the fucking plot.

I slowly walk out of the room then run, I have to get away.

           ~~Virgil's P.O.V~~

I look at the ground at Roman then look up at Logan however he was gone, what the fuck have I done.

"NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!" I quickly drops the knife and bend down the Roman, at least he's still breathing.

I quickly take my hooding of to apply pressure however, the scars.

His pulse is weak and he's barely breathing, Logan or Parton would know what to do.

"Why bother Virgil?" I hear a voice coming out of the shadows, Deceit.

"YOU MADE ME!" I stand back up picking up the knife.

"I made have got into your mind but I didn't stab him."

I look at him and Roman, I did do this.

"I can't seriously hurt you cause you need to do my work for me."

"What is it?"

"Kill Thomas!"

I look at him in shock, what the actual fuck.

"That would KILL you to!"

"At least the darker sides would be victories, don't you want that?"

"I don't know.."

"Well, your taking forever and your running out of time so I'm gonna have you knock you out to get toy to your next location


I wake up in a void filled with light, a figure walking towards me.

"Hello, Virgil." It looks like a girl.

"Who are you and how do you know my name?"

"I'm the author of this story."

"A-author?" Is he fucking crazy?

"You stabbed Roman buttt."

"But what."

"I'm wrote that cause I'm messed up.."

"Wait a second, you made me stab Roman and since your the 'author' can't you bring him back?"

"Sure I can!"

"Then do it.."

"Let's fight, if you win you get him back however if I win he will be stuck in a coma until his true love kisses him."

"Kisses him.."

"He is a prince after all and I gotta make this story Prinxiety since it IS in the title."

"Fine, tell me your name and come out of the shadows."

"OK," she comes out of the shadows, a girl with brown hair and eyes, chubby (i am I don't judge me) and looks sad, "My name is Lightning!" (Not saying real name)

"I need a weapon."

"Think of one and it will appear."

Suddenly a samurai sword appears in my hands and she has a pen and paper.

"You ready?" She asks with a slight smug look.

"Ready as I'll ever be."



Also quick thankyou for 752 reads!

and my BFF reads this now just to piss me off so hi Amy

See ya'll later bia! ☆

~ Lightning

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