Chapter 32 + Q&A

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{Q&A at the end of the. chapter, sorry it longer than I excepted to finish it}

            ~~Roman's P.O.V~~

"Roman!" I heard someone shout then a hug instantly, it was Patton.

"W-what happened?" I slowly sit up, my stomach is aching.

"How do we tell him this?" Patton says, he still holds me but looks at Logan.

"I'll do it." Logan adjusts his glasses and begins to speak, "Long story, Virgil is corrupted by Deceit and stabbed you."

"And Deceit shot Logan." Thomas quickly says.

"Exactly, our only problem now is a plan." Logan said seriously.

"Do we have to... hurt Virgil?" Patton asked sadly, he didn't want his son to be hurt and neither did I.

He sighs, "if the time comes... the time comes.."

Patton and Thomas do a audiable gasp, and look at Logan in horror and sadness.

"What about Deceit?" I ask sensibly, "if we kill Deceit, wouldn't Virgil be alright?" Patton now has a glimmer of hope in his eyes but it's struck down by Logan.

"Unfortunately, he's to far in." Patton begin to cry on my shoulder, I feel so bad for him.

"What do you mean 'to far in'? Thomas asks doing air quotations.

"Patton described him as: a glitchy voice, pale, black hair and grey eyes." Logan cleans his glasses, "Since he has all of those it means it may be to late."

I hug Patton instantly, I'm heartbroken but Patton is way worse.

I have always felt weird around Virgil, I thought it was hatred or anger, but it's love.

I love like brother Logan and Patton like a dad, but I love love Virgil.

I just wish he'll be safe and return to us.


Hey guys, so heres the Q&A part, here are the questions.

(If you want me to do another one please tell me)

Virgil, heres20dollarskillme asks "are you OK?"

"Yeah I'm FINE!!1!!!1111!!!1"

Roman, heres20dollarskillme asks "what's it like being trapped in your own mind?"

"It's boring and dull, just like Logan's personality."

Logan, heres20dollarskillme asks "do you have a crush on patton?"

"No comment"

Patron, heres20dollarskillme asks "How are you doing buddy?"

"I'm scared, worried, scared and sad. I hope we get Virgil back."

Deceit, heres20dollarskillme asks "what's your favourite flavour of icecream?

"I don't like icecream."

Sides, sweet213 asks "so do you guys have opposite sides like how Deceit is Patton and stuff?"

"I guess we all opposite each other, like how Virginia could be Patton, Roman and sometimes even Logan. For Roman it could be Deceit, Logan or Virgil. For Patton it could be Virgil, Logan or Deceit and for Deceit it could be Patton, Logan or Roman, if that answers it.

(For the next to asks I had to spilt it into questions instead of the while paragraph

Everyone, heres20dollarskillme asks "what type of pop (soda), cupcakes and pizza do ya'll like?"

{This is not facts it is just what I think is true, if you know the answer please tell me}

Deceit - I hate everything
Logan - cola, vanilla cupcakes and plain cheese pizza
Patton - fanta, every type and ham and pineapple
Virgil - cherry coke, I'm not big on cupcakes but I guess lemon and pepperoni
Roman - irn bru (it's life and Scottish), chocolate and meat feast pizza.

Me now (I got most questions and I'm confused by it.)

heres20dollarskillme asks me,
1)fave colour
2) chocolate or vanilla cupcakes
3) oranges or apples
4) what tea do I like best
5) online book or paper book
6) science of maths
7) English or history
8) what grade
9) Do u like chocolate milk
10) body was first then shampoo or other way around (why ask though you a stalker, jk)
11) sing or playing a instrument
12) where do you want to travel to

1) Violet or black
2) depends what mood in but normally chocolate
3) I prefer oranges
4) I like breakfast tea (normal tea)
5) it depends if I'm tired or stuff like that but I like online
6) I prefer science
7) depends what we're doing but history
8) in Scotland I'm in S1 so I'm 12 going on to 13 so for other countries you can work it out.
9) YAS!
10) body wash the shampoo (ya weirdo, jk)
11) I used to play trumpet for almost 4 years but I can sing better (according to other pll)
12) I want to go to Japan and America and I know this isn't isn't a question but my fave city is either Glasgow or Dubai.


761 words including the Q&A, sorry it took forever to come out, it takes a while to do a Q&A.

Thanks to sweet213 and heres20dollarskillme for participating and ask me if you want another so for now adios! ☆

~ Lightning

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