Chapter 15

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           ~~Virgil's P.O.V~~

I stand in front of a mirror and look at myself.

My hair is pitch black, my skin is as white as snow and my eyes are a dull gray.

I open a drawer in my bathroom and look for a pair of contact lenses, hair dye and foundation.

I put on all the stuff then teleport to Patton.

"P-patton.." I say while he's distracted by watching my video.

He turns around with tears in his eyes and hugs me straight way.

"I don't want to hurt you, I don't want any of this but this is the only time I can help you before the worse can happen." I say quickly with a choke from the years building up.

"It's OK, if we payed more attention to you this wouldn't be happening." I wipes away his tears and pulls away from me.

I hand him a key to leave, "there's a wall between here and our normal bit however you should be able to get back if your quick enough and smart enough."

"Thank you Virgil, when this is all over we'll pay more attention to you and include you more." He pulls me into one last hug before I teleport back to my room.

As soon as I return the one and only Roman is waiting for me.

"What are you doing in here?" I ask suspiciously, raising a eyebrow as well.

"I'm here to ask if you wanna have a movie night?" He asks in a nice way but not a sassy weirdly.

"Uhhhh, sure I guess.." I look at him weirdly, "why now?"

"Since Patton is no where to be seen," he starts with a shaky voice. "I needa make sure I use my time wisely and spent it with you.." I heard a slight 'phew' as he finished his sentence.

"What movie though?" I ask with a brow still raised.

"Instead of one why not all the d-" Roman begins but I stop him.

"Disney movies and sure." I finish his sentence quickly and and a smile appears on his face.

"All the movies are in my room so you collect them while I set a fort up in the commons."



370, most I've ever wrote!

Sorry this chapter is all over the place, I wanted a chapter out today but didn't know what to write so I guess some fluff!

See ya'll later bias! ☆

~ Lightning

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