Chapter 8

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~~Virgil's P.O.V~~

I got really embassarased after the piano incident, so I haven't came out my room in ages so it's really lonely in here.

"Virgil, can I come in?" Dee knocked the door and just let himself in before I had a chance to answer or move.

I was curled up on my bed in a ball and I hid a razor in my hands because I was about to start again.

"What are you hiding in your hands?" He asks curiously while shutting the door.

Held onto it right but it cut a part of my hand so blood treeckled out of the clenched fist.

"I might be your depression but I'm allowed to be worried so open up!" He grabbed my hands and pulled my fists apart then takes it.

He gives me a look at sadness then picks me up bridal style. "What are you doing?" I asks quietly.

"Helping you." He puts me down onto a scale and it reads "7 stone and 1 lb" I looked at the number again thinking I'm still to heavy and overweight.

"Your under weight virge!" He picks me up over his shoulder and carried me in the kitchen.

"I'm fine honesntly, Dee!" I squeal at the top of my voice.

"Let's go, Virgil!" He says with a smug look on his face.

《To la kitchen》

After being carried like a toddler after a tantrum he plunks me onto a chair while he gets food.

'This is your one shot Virgil' I say to myself.

( " " = talking and ' ' = thinking)

I get up and try to sneak out but he drags me back down.

He places oreos and Irn Bru in front of me. (Irn bru is a Scottish drink and IS MY LYFE!)

"Eat." He looks at my while smirking when I pick up and oreos but place it down.

'Shit, I forgot my hoddie!'

"In forgot my hoddie.." I say quietly while covering my wrists.

He jumps up then sprints to get it but before I know it it's being thrown in my face.


345 words WOW!

This time all my writing and no lyrics instead (never! :3) also sorry for the huge chapter!

Thanks for commenting, voting and reading!

See ya'll later bia! ☆

~ Lightning

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