Chapter 12

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            ~~Virgil's P.O.V~~

I had a needle in my hands and Patton in my arms with words rushing in my head.

I soon relised what I had done and panicked, the only person who gave a fuck about me I just knocked out with drugs.

I slowly placed him down on my bed while I got up, I thought of a secret room which could be somewhere in the mindscape that no one would find, then I was there with Patton.

I slowly placed him down and chained his legs up but 1 hand free so he could pick up the note I left him to explain everything

Dear Patton,

Let me start with explaining what is going on, as you know I'm corrupted so I didn't want to hurt you but it's the corrupted side made me.

It wants me to capture you all then kill Thomas to kill off us however the corrupted side isn't all that's making me either.

I'm sorry for what I've done and I know you'll never forgive me however if I don't kill Thomas then.

I'll kill myself and will be replaced.

Your dark son - Virgil.

I placed the note down and teleported back to my room then had a meltdown however they were there to help me.


Hey guys, this chapter might have seemed rushed so I'm sorry about that.

While the meltdown happens that's when Logan appears so I'm not gonna copy and paste everything causes that's time and effort.

Hope ya'll enjoyed! ☆  (214 words)

~ Lightning

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