Chapter 16

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*Flash Back To When Roman.  and Logan were talking*

         ~~Roman's P.O.V~~

"So Virgil has something to do with Patton's disappearance?" I asked with a eyebrow raised.

"Most likely however I have a plan." Logan straightened his glasses then said "try to befriend Virgil and get what a happening out of him while I try get to Patton."

"OK sounds great, I'll get to work, see you."

           *End Flashback*

I finish up the fort and see Virgil walk in with a huge pile of Disney movies in his hands.

"You OK with the pile?" I ask him put my hands to take movies from he pile.

"I'm good." He starts however almost drops the pile so many but puts it down.

"Should we start with Snow White?" I asks while zoning out and thinking about if he the reason for Patton going missing?

"Roman? You there?" He waves his hand in font of my face.

I jump back slightly startled, "Sorry, I zoned out what did you say?"

"Snow white sounds great." I says with a smile. Not a sassy  smile. A real smile.

             *Time Skip*

We watched a lot of movies then we chatted however I decided to bring up Patton.

"It's been weird weird with Patton not around." I say quietly and he twitched slightly, his smile turned back into a resting bitch face.

"Yeah.... really quiet...." He didn't look me in the eyes and held onto his arm.

"You ok?" I ask him, he looks sad likes he's about to cry.

"Yeah, I'm fine...." I notice his eyes look brighter than they normally do, his pale makeup were caking (when parts of makeup go all in patches and come off), his hair seemed darker and parts light like he put dye on it.

"It's getting late we should head to bed." I suggest while standing up.

"OK, night Princey."

"Goodnight, Hot Topic."


314 words!

Sorry these last chapters are random, I feel like I need to put out a chapter each day.

If it seems and random and weird please tell me and I'll sort out this

Peace out guys! ☆

~ Lightning

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