Meeting a special someone

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We got past the guards and the yellow and black stripped arm thing comes up and we drive. My heart is racing, as we drive closer and closer to my dreams. We pass set 1 it was sort of small compared to the others. We pass set 2 and 3 then I see set 4 and 5. The two big ones. I feel like my heart is pounding out of my chest and I haven't even met him yet. I see my uncle waving with both arms trying to get our attention where to park. Since it costed money to park he pointed to the workers only parking. I felt so fancy! We get out and we all hug him and say our greetings
"Hey Kiddos!" He gives me and s/n big bear hugs. "He's currently filming right now so why don't we wait a little and get some lunch shall we?" He looks at me mainly knowing I'm the reason my family is here.
"Sure!" Mom nods at him "where are the best places around here?" She looks around a bit at the city.
"There's a nice café down the street how about we go?" He suggests and we go. Honestly I'm too excited to eat but I'll peak a little at my food I guess. We walk across the street and down a bit and arrive at the café.
"Hi table for four?" A well dressed lady said from the counter. My uncle shakes his head.
"Five please!" I was a little confused there was only four of us. Odd... we get seated and she hands us some menus.
"I'll be right back" the nice lady walks away and we all look at the menus.
"Um U/n, why did you get a table for five?" I look at him setting down my menu not really interested.
"Oh for our coats!'" He takes off his coat and lays it on the chair nicely.
After a few minutes of waiting the lady comes back.
"What would you like to drink?" She holds her note pad.
"Just a water"
"Orange juice"
"A Pepsi"
"And you?"she looks at me. I always felt under pressured when ordering like there's a wrong answer and I have to get it right.
"Oh..ummm... root beer?" I look up at her smiling awkwardly.
"That's my favourite! May I get a root beer too?" A familiar voice called from behind me. Who was it? Someone from school? A friend? I don't know why I didn't turn around and just look but then the name locked in my brain and I swear my heart stopped. I slowly turn around and my jaw drops. It was...

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