Getting Ready

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You're a young teen with quite the funky family, you have an older sister who doesn't have the nicest personality but it's fine.

"Today's the day you get to meet the ONE the ONLY Jack Dylan Grazer! " this raced around in my mind several times hyping me up since last month! But today's the day! The day I will meet jack grazer! Thank you god for making my uncle work on movie sets!

"Y/N! COME GET BREAKFAST!" Mom yelled from the kitchen trying to rush us to get reddie . (I'm going to use it like that the whole time okay 😂)
"OKAY MOOOOM!" I shouted brushing my hair a little even though it will get messed up 10 seconds after I move. Oh well... I run downstairs and grab my froot loops cereal and a spoon, messily pouring it in spilling some of it lands on the floor. Pepper came behind me and scooped up the little bits of cereal in her mouth from off the ground.

"Y/N! The dogs getting it!" Mom yelled a bit tense and annoyed like she usually is when we're getting ready to go somewhere. I eat my cereal and run back upstairs getting dressed. I walk over to the mirror and brush my hair again. "Should I curl it?" I mess with my hair a little. "Naaahhh" I'm too lazy to do that.

I still don't know if I should dress fancy or casual. OH! I run to my dresser opening the top drawer pulling out a black t- shirt that had the words 'I'm a lover not a fighter' written across the bottom and top of the shirt. I had gotten this back in October. I turn around to my bed but before I can, my dresser decides I should have a bad day and receive pain. And you know what that pain was? I turn around and I couldn't see it coming a mile away, no one ever does or if your lucky and you do. It's to late. My pinkie toe hit the foot of the dresser. Pain goes rushing up my leg telling my stupid brain "I'VE BEEN SHOT!" I yell dropping to the floor grabbing my foot. I stubbed my toe... and ouch did it hurt.

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