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After making fun of ourselves for a while we told embarrassing stories about each other.

"So jack! There's a kid at my school who hates you know cause of me..." I fiddle with my fingers and he puts his hand over his heart pretending to be offended.


"Because I called you funny, talent and beautiful"

"I mean I am all those things." He wiggles his eyebrows and ran his hand through his slightly curly brown hair.

"Mhm" I nodded. Man we are both way too sarcastic to function.

"Once I got mobbed by girls when I was at the mall and they were all screaming 'MARRY ME!' And 'MARRY FINN!' It was hectic but also kind of funny" he smiled while doing high pitched voices for the girls.

I could tell he knew they meant no harm and that he really loved his fans- or should I say Temply tots considering on a old story on instagram he posted he said we're all called Temply tots.

I tried so hard not to talk about fack. It's my secret guilty pleasure.

An hour passed by and my mom walked in.
"Y/n, ready to go?" She smiled at me.

"You know I'm not but finnnne" I whined a little and got up.
"I'll be out in a minute I just got to gather my things" she nodded and walked out.

Really I had nothing with me besides my phone and anxiety but I wanted to say goodbye to jack and so it wasn't rushed and awkward.

"I really had fun. I'm still really sorry for taking up most of the day." I sighed and he just grinned showing his white teeth.

"Like I said before, it's okay! Besides I had a lot of fun with you today Y/n" I felt so squirmy inside!

"Can I have your number so we can stay in contact?" I asked hoping he'd say yes and not 'oh sorry my manger doesn't allow me to give out my number blah blah blah' although I'd totally understand.

"Yeah sure!" He grabbed my phone and looked at me.

"Oh the password is 7393!" As I said it he typed it in then went to contacts and put in his number and made his contact say 'Jackie💕'


He handed me back my phone and I slipped it into my pocket.

We stared at each other in awe for a bit and I saw him slowly moving in closer and so did I.

Our faces were inches away from touching.

I could feel his breath hit my face.

He leaned in



We both stepped back.

"Y/n! COME ON WE HAVE TO GO ! MOMS GETTING IMPATIENT AND I WANT TO GO SHOPPING MORE BEFORE WE LEAVE!" She yelled in her demon voice which is just her normal voice.

Jack and I flinched a little.

I turned to him

"Guess this is goodbye?" I asked hoping I'd see him again.

"Yeah...I guess it is.." we both sounded sad.
"Can I get a pic, you know to remember?"

He nodded and I took a photo of us smiling happily the looked at it.

I knew my mom and sister were waiting so I quickly kissed his cheek and ran to the door.

"Bye Jackie!" I waved and he waved back with his face now tinted red. He rose his hand to his red heated cheek where I had kissed and smiled goofily.

I ran outside to the car with a big goofy grin on my face the same as jacks. I hoped in the car and my mom smirked.

"So what did you two do while I was gone?"

"Oh nothing." I smirked back and looked out the window.

Only me and Jack will ever know what happened the day I met my idol.

I went on in life telling people my story and showing the photo I had gotten with him. Of course no one ever believed me with how good photo shop had gotten.  I guess I don't really need people to believe me anyways cause I know it was real.

Till this day I text jack and we hang out a lot. But unfortunately I'm no longer his friend.

I'm his girlfriend.

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