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Why was Junho here? My heart started pound so hard that I felt like death was calling me. HE opened the door and stood there smirking then he slowly walked towards me.

"ya, Sana-ya. Aren't you going to say hi to your oppa? Me?"

I hestitated before saying anything then I managed to say

"Anyeonghaseyo.. Sunbae-nim..."

"No NO. Not sunbae-nim, OPPA! NOw, repreat after me O-P-P-A"

Tears began to well up in my eyes.

"Why must you do this? What do you want from me? and why me?"

He scoffed then his smile slowly faded and ran his fingers through my hair. I felt uncomfortable and I wanted to scream but as soon as I had opened my mouth, a hand covered my mouth and his face right in front of mine. Then he began to say creepily

"Sana-ya, dont try to scream or ask for help. Especially V. Or else everyone you know can be in danger. Not all, but a couple. So shut up and stay still. And if you mention to anyone that I am here. Your life will be in danger too as well as his. Remember my word."

He let go and then stood up to leave. Tears started dripping from my face. He stopped walking and turned his face with a smirk then left.

After a couple of minutes the nurse came in to check on me.

"Sana-si, did anyone stop by? Anything we could do to help you?"


"Ok, then you should go to sleep it's already 11:00 pm"


When she left she turned off the lights and I tried to sleep but I couldn't at the though of Junho's threats in which I couldn't tell anyone or else they would be in danger. 

As I was thinking I fell asleep


Hey guys! So, I hope this is fun and I will try to update more often. Remeber to vote on these for more! And comment suggestions if you guys want~ THXXX

V and Sana (TAESANA)  "Just One More Time"Where stories live. Discover now