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This was my first story guys so it might start off a little boring but I promise it gets better!!



"Come on Nelle push baby" I said to my sister

"Aaaargh" she screamed.

"One more push" the doctor said

"Aaaargh" she screamed again.

I heard a baby cry

"It's a girl" the doctor said.

"Awwww Nelle. She beautiful" I said.

No response.

"We're losin her. We have to compress her chest"

"What do you mean we're losing her"

"Clear" she said.. Zaaaap

"No response. Clear" Zaaaap

"Doc whats going on"

"We're having trouble reviving the patient"

"Reviving? Chanelle?" I said looking at her

Beeeeeep the monitor said.

"Time of death: 7:21 pm" the doctor said to the nurse.

"Oh hell no, what's going on?"

"I'm sorry, sweetie but... Chanelle has died giving birth" she said to me.


She gave me a sympathetic look.

"What's gonna happen to the baby"

"Well, unless a family member steps up CPS is going to take her"

I couldn't let that happen. Now that Chanelle is dead she's the only family I have left. Even though I'm only 15 I'm gonna take the responsibility for her.

"I'll take her" I said signing the birth certificate of Aliyyah Chanelle Powell

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