
22 2 0

The last step of phase two was the hardest to set up thus far. It took about a week and a half to set up.

I was outside a school, where there were two groups of people locked in classrooms across the school from each other. I had cameras set up in each room to see what was going on, one camera on me, and all three were live on my website, an estimated twelve million now watching. I know news stations were also broadcasting my live stream onto the news, so honestly, who knew how many people were watching? Maybe a billion? More?

I lifted a walkie to my mouth which projected my voice so both rooms of people would hear me.

"Hello. My name is Nietzsche, and welcome to the phase two finale." I said with a smile. "You all are going to be a part of a little thing I'm doing. Isn't that exciting?"

I settled back and sighed. "Let me explain. You're locked in this classroom right now. No way out. I know you've tried, I've been watching. Now, here's the thing. There's a bomb in the room with you. It's an active bomb, works perfectly. Now, do you see the present I put in the room? Open it." I said and each room opened theirs.

"That's a detonator. Turn the key, the place goes boom. But here's the kicker." I licked my lips quickly. "Across the school from you, is a classroom full of another group of people, also with a bomb, also with a detonator. The detonator you're holding is to the other group's bomb." I said and had a tiny smile.

"Want another kicker? One room is full of just regular civilians. The other one is, too. They're just a bit younger." I said and saw the room of adults look up in horror.

"They're a class of second graders, actually, from this school." I paused again. "So. Who will turn the key? The regular old adults or the-"

I was cut off as a bomb exploded, and one camera went out. I looked up and saw the west end of the school up in smoke. Looking back at the feed from the remaining camera, I saw a little light-haired boy with his hand still on the key, the kids all looking at the sound of the explosion.

My jaw dropped a little in surprise, and I just stared.

Slowly, I licked my lips to wet them, trying to gather my thoughts as I lifted the walkie back up to my mouth.

"Why did you turn the key?" I asked.

"I don't want to die." The boy said. "It was them or us, right?"

I blinked in awe and spoke again. "Do you all agree with what he did?" I asked.

"Yeah." Some said and the others nodded.

"He's right. It was them or us." A girl said.

I let the walkie fall into my lap, and I sat back, stunned.

"Sometimes I don't like being right." I sighed and cut off the live feed.

I gathered my stuff and let the kids free, looking down at these eight-year-olds. I couldn't tell if they were oblivious to the fact that they unanimously agreed to murder a room full of people or not. They seemed conscious of this fact, but also like they didn't care.

Kids aren't as stupid as I thought.

I walked to a McDonald's near headquarters, got myself a twenty-piece McNugget and fries with ranch, a coke, and L a bunch of warm cookies.

I got into headquarters and just sat down beside L wordlessly, and set the bag in front of me, then handed him his cookie bags.

"Thanks." L hummed and bit into one.

I wordlessly nodded and sipped my diet coke, and L reached over and got my nuggets, fries, ranch, and napkins out. "Eat. You look like you're gonna pass out." He said and nudged a fry against my lips.

I glanced over, then rolled my eyes and took the fry between my teeth, moving it into my mouth to eat.

"There you go." He hummed and I opened my ranch packet and started on my nuggets.

"I assume you're going to be putting up an explanation soon?" He asked.

"Yeah." I nodded. "Sorry, I guess I'm just shocked. I honestly didn't expect that to happen. I didn't think... the kids..." I sighed, shaking my head now.

"That's understandable. We were all shocked, too. Especially at the fact that you weren't threatening them." L said.

"Wait, yes she was." Light said.

"No, Light, she wasn't. She never once said anything like if they didn't blow each other up, she would. There was no actual threat from her, only the other group." L explained.

"You didn't have a detonator on you?" Light looked at me, and I shook my head.

"Jesus." He swore, now even more shocked. "So you made murderers out of kids with no real threat against them."

"As I said, sometimes I don't like being right." I looked down ashamedly.

Nietzsche (L Lawliet)Where stories live. Discover now