b-ball :: finn

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"anybody up to challenge me?" finn asked, his team jersey on, holding a basketball in his hand. as your hand sprung up in the air, you were unsure if you could beat finn wolfhard. you had previously been on the girls basketball team. you switched from basketball to volleyball, not being satisfied with

"for a kiss?" every girl began to raise their hand, squealing at the thought of kissing finn.

"so, with our last competitior, y/n, whoever first reaches ten points, wins!"

"this should be easy."

"watch out wolfhard, i got this." as you two both bolted around the court, having one too many blows from finn, you started to seriously wonder if it was all worth it.

"keep up with me, okay?" finn said, smirking at you.

"just, let me change out of my jeans at least wolfhard." finn waved you off, giving you the go ahead to go to the locker room. you had your spandex underneath, giving your little toosh an appearance. you walked back out, your hair now pulled back.

"ready wolfhard?" you calmly smiled.

"watch it y/l/n. you're gonna get it." he smiled at you, his curly locks bouncing. as he got the ball, you charged down the court, guarding him. he kept on swerving, making you nervous to even get close. you stole the ball from him, giving you a confidence boost.

"it's like a blur when you dribble, maybe you aren't so bad after all." finn said, panting in between. you winked at him, making another basket. he groaned, "maybe take it easy on me?"

"sorry, you're getting beat by a girl." you said swiftly, not wasting another second talking and glancing at him.

as the boy held your hand up high, you smiled.

"and the winner is, y/n!" as everybody cheered, you pulled finn into a kiss, as promised. "good at basketball and good at kissing. just what i need." he pecks you on the lips again.

[ macie speaks ! ]
ok so i edited this and added a few parts. hope new people like this, welcome have fun reading this. im adding authors notes just for reminds.
pls don't be a ghost reader i'm okay with comments & votes, i wanna see how you guys like stuff. i dont bite and enjoy reading this stuff 🥰😌

𝐅𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐘!    finn wolfhardWhere stories live. Discover now