make it better :: finn

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after a long day of school, all you wanted to do was to go back home, study and shower so you could prepare for finals that were already charging quickly at you before your break. to top it off, you didn't have much comfort from your boyfriend whom was working on a new movie project. you were extremely ecstatic for him, but some days all you wanted to do was to scream at him to quit and come back to you. the day his movie premiered and you stood right next to him, you swore you hadn't seen him happier. you just felt like the luckiest girl in the world and nothing could change that. finn felt so happy, he saw how you enjoyed his acting and were invested in making this work no matter what. finn couldn't wait until his fans finally got to see what he had been working so hard on, he couldn't wait to see the feedback he would get from his vast amount of fans.

you constantly checked twitter on your phone, waiting for the final post to be updated and looking at reviews of the movie since it had just come out in theaters. finn was out with his family for dinner to which he promised to come back to your house with his mom so your parents could chat. he left with a smile and gave you a kiss before he closed the door behind him. your phone finally was buzzing obnoxiously with notifications to which you opened and were met with pictures of your boyfriend and small clips from the movie online. you checked the comments and retweets of photos, frowning slightly.

i think that finn could've done better in this, it just wasn't the best acting

so out of his range, he's just not as good as people think?

kid needs a bit more practice, he's absolute garbage in this film!

you couldn't say you weren't shocked to see the negative feedback, you thought he did absolutely amazing in this film and you weren't just saying it because he was your boyfriend. you were utterly flabbergasted at his skill and his dedication, you loved watching him onscreen and thought he truly fit every character that he had portrayed. your heart ached, physically and metaphorically. you realized that your phone was brightened with texts from him like usual, no sign of him anywhere on your phone besides the lock-screen of you two. it took no more than two seconds to call him, waiting for him to pick up after the third ring like he usually would do.

so what you did when you were stressed? you stressed baked, you baked about three batches of cookies and did a dozen of cupcakes before you ran out of ingredients and you figured that it was time to stop. your hands quickly organized them into containers and you saved one for finn, already calling for an uber since you figured he'd be in need of some sugar today. his house was radiant as ever, a certain energy coming from it. the house looked as you'd expect it, nice and rustic like, a complete family home. the house though was empty, the keys from the rack near the door had been retrieved, shoes and jackets also were taken by the member it belonged to. there was a pair of lone shoes, as well as a key-chain still hung up, a small picture of the both of you in the plastic frame. there was faint sounds from the TV, still on and a local business talking about their product. you set down the plastic container, going upstairs slowly and making sure to not disturb any of the side tables and paintings hung among the wall.

"finn?" your knuckles barely made a tap before you heard a faint, "it's open." to which the sight was finn bundled up in some blankets, sitting up and hunched over his phone. "hey, came to see you. y'know it's been boring these past few days, since you're gone a lot. now you're back and i made—" though finn wasn't buying the rambles that escaped from your lips, "i know why you're here. i know you've seen the reviews, the comments and stuff. i'm a big kid, i'm okay, i don't care about those opinions, it just sucks." a shaky breath drew in from his lips, your heart breaking. he sniffles, "i don't know what i did wrong, i.. i listened to every tip and every lesson the directors gave me, i tried. i did the best i could, i just never though that people would actually.. hate what i do. they still dislike me at my best, i don't know what i can do to make it better." he murmurs, your arms now coddled around him, pulling him close.

"it's alright, you're dedicated and you did everything you could do to make it the best possible character. you were good, i saw it and all of your fans did too. i love you so much, so do all of your family who are so proud of you for this role." your hand slid to his chin, picking up his face so you could meet him eye to eye. your lips placed a gentle kiss that drew from his cheek to his jaw, "i'm so proud of you, no rating, no role, and no person could ever change that. i'll always be here to try and make it better, no matter how big or small your problems are." finn gives you a small smile, returning the kiss but to your lips. finn felt better, better now that he knew he had some people who loved his roles no matter how shitty or how bad the quality or movie was. he knew that he had you to make it better and tell him all the positive things about his characters, there to bring his mood back up and help him from feeling awful. in the end, you would be there to make it better.

[ macie speaks ! ]
ok so i edited this and added a few parts. hope new people like this, welcome have fun reading this. im adding authors notes just for reminds. pls don't be a ghost reader i'm okay with comments & votes, i wanna see how you guys like stuff. i dont bite and enjoy reading this stuff 🥰😌 check out carolina for harry styles & sweetener for luke hemmings on my page its way

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