telephone :: finn

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 ❝ stop callin', stop callin'

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stop callin', stop callin'. i don't wanna think anymore !

you sighed as you heard your cell phone ring again. the same old repeated sentence, it was fake. none of it was real. it hurt to hear that voice you loved to hear, so you gave up on answering. you found out you were just a publicity stunt, nothing more than a girl who was picked up only to be dumped again.

   ❝ oh you're breaking up on me! sorry, i cannot hear you. i'm kinda busy ! ❞ 

the few rings before you picked up the phone, you heard the voice. "just hear me out." you roll your eyes. "finn, i'm busy. plus the signal here isn't great. you're breaking up on me." you pressed the end call button, slamming it back down. you took in a breath, exhaling sharply.

   ❝ boy the way you blowin' up my phone, won't make me leave no faster. put my coat on faster, leave my girls no faster ! ❞ 

you smiled, it quickly falling when you see the person you dreaded seeing. "didn't expect you to be here y/n!" you nod. "yeah, didn't expect you either." you said, shifting in your coat. your friend comes up from behind you, giving you a confused look.

"i'm just gonna, go chat.." she walks away, you rolling your eyes. finn looks at you with pleading eyes.

"listen, none of that was fake. i wanted you, but through the contract, it just seemed wrong." you sigh. "please. just give me another chance." you look into his eyes, your heart dropping. you inhale before speaking.

"finn, after the whole entire relationship. you breaking it off, getting embarrassed by the media. i think that was enough. but part of me wants to go back." you look down at the ground.

"so what are you saying?" finn asks. you inhale. "i'm saying that i can't go through that again."  he bites his lip nervously before turning around, walking out.

   ❝ tonight i'm not takin' no calls cause i'll be dancin' ! ❞ 

the same ring of the phone was heard, you brushing it off. you smile at the caller id, shrugging.

"aren't you going to answer?" your friend asks. you nod.

"i'm not accepting any calls right now." you smile.

[ macie speaks ! ]
ok so i edited this and added a few parts. hope new people like this, welcome have fun reading this. im adding authors notes just for reminds. pls don't be a ghost reader i'm okay with comments & votes, i wanna see how you guys like stuff. i dont bite and enjoy reading this stuff 🥰😌 check out carolina for harry styles & sweetener for luke hemmings on my page its way

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