birthday wishes :: finn

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a smile was placed on your face, the candles glaring into your e/c eyes. you listened to your friends sing happy birthday, laughing with them.

"happy birthday to you~~!!!!" you laughed loudly, blowing out your candles. you look at your friends, smiling.

"what was your wish?" you smile, shaking your head.

"mine already came true." you say, pressing a kiss to your curly black haired boyfriend. he blushes. "i love you, finn." he smiles, kissing you.

[ macie speaks ! ]
ok so i edited this and added a few parts. hope new people like this, welcome have fun reading this. im adding authors notes just for reminds. pls don't be a ghost reader i'm okay with comments & votes, i wanna see how you guys like stuff. i dont bite and enjoy reading this stuff crazy i made this for my bday 2 years ago and here i am almost at may 26th ready for my bday lololol 🥰😌

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