replacement ² :: mike

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(spoilers ahead & a bit of improv)

S3 OF STRANGER THINGS(spoilers ahead & a bit of improv)

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"steve, this is seriously crazy." you whispered to steve at your side, the one and only erica sinclair standing by your side. "put on your big girl pants harrington." she teases, rolling her eyes. robin from beside steve lets out a small snort, showing approval of the joke.

"think about it, we're in some russian base with guys who want to destroy us or something." you ramble on, steve stopping in his tracks. "okay stop! we're going to get out of here, figure out what these russians are doing and get the hell back to normal hawkins." steve rolls his eyes, "let's just focus on finding these russian losers." steve murmurs, continuing to walk ahead of everybody.

you all walked through the back of the theater, heading towards the front cautiously. robin and steve cackled and joked, erica continuously reminding them they were being too loud. "god can they ever shut up? now i get why steve has no game." erica groaned, rolling her eyes. dustin gave her a look, leading the pair over to a pair of empty seats. "sit. don't move from this spot, okay?" the duo nods, laughing with a bag of half empty and stale popcorn.

"dustin, we need out of this. those two are children on drugs!" you complained, dustin rolling his eyes. "we'll think of something, just give me a second harrington." dustin sighed, grabbing his walkie-talkie and heading up. "i'm going to call for back up!" he says, jogging up the aisle. erica groans, sitting back in the seat next to you.

"hey, at least those two are-" you get cut off by the two empty seats on the other side. "where did steve and robin go?" with those words, erica jumped up from her seat, causing a couple to complain about not seeing the movie.

"oh shut up! there's other times to see this nerd film." erica sasses, you pulling erica to the side. "okay, i'm gonna go find them, you just uh, stay here or something. just don't let any russians see you and lay low." erica crosses her arms, nodding. as you hurriedly rush past the movie watchers, you make it into the lobby area, hearing a few voices from inside the gender neutral bathroom you head towards it.

you listen closely against the door, hearing robin & steve mockingly singing while laughing before you feel a shove behind your back, opening the door. dustin has an irritated expression, erica sighing. "okay, what hell. why did you guys leave the seats?" dustin yells at them, robin and steve getting to their feet. as they walk back into the main area, the theater room starts emptying out, people leaving after the movie had finished.

"lay low, blend in." steve directs calmly. as a family of four walk together, the four of you walk behind them. an awkward silence fills between the group as steve gives dustin a concerned look, "uh dustin," dustin turning his head quickly to him, "we might not want to go to your house. i may or may not have said your first and last name." with those words, dustin has a look of panic before quickly forcing words out.

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