promised :: finn

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this is part two of promises ! i forgot to make this so.. here we are !

"i'll see you sometime soon." you hear as the door shuts. finn walks into your room, turning on the light.

"hey, why are you in bed so early?" you sat up.

"it's 12 at night, where were you? i was waiting for you." he has a look of confusion on his face. "the movies? what was it some little event you thought didn't matter? i'm your sister, not your roommate." finn's face drops, looking around the room as if an excuse would come out of the air.

"you realize every time you promise something, you can't keep it. i had faith in you, you becoming some sort of movie star. who was out saying everything good about you, who was the one who was there for you when even mom and dad weren't? i was! i'm never surprised to see you walk out of the door without me because it's not unusual anymore, it's completely normal."

"you promised me, no matter how famous you got, you would always have time for me." finn looked for words to say but none came out, this was the first time he really had no excuse for leaving you.

he wrapped his arms around you, feeling his fast heartbeat and his arms shaking around you. you relaxed, wrapping your arms around him.

"i'm sorry. i really haven't been your brother for awhile." he whispers. "i'm gonna be better, i promise. i'll keep that promise." you both look at each-other, bursting out in laughter. "we can go to the movies tomorrow." he sticks out his pinky finger, "okay." you wrap yours around his, smiling. he pats your head before pulling the sheets over you.

"goodnight, you've got a day of fun tomorrow." you smile, slowly falling asleep as finn shuts the door behind him.

the very next day started out with the mall, then the movies and back home to rest. for the longest time, you guys got your bond back to where you could have fun.

as you grew up together, you and finn realized you both needed each-other to get through long and hard days.

[ macie speaks ! ]
ok so i edited this and added a few parts. hope new people like this, welcome have fun reading this. im adding authors notes just for reminds. pls don't be a ghost reader i'm okay with comments & votes, i wanna see how you guys like stuff. i dont bite and enjoy reading this stuff 🥰😌 check out carolina for harry styles & sweetener for luke hemmings on my page its way

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