a thousand years :: finn

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" the day we met, frozen i held my breath ."

finn helped you up, watching as your hand picked up your books. the frozen ground, snow packed on top slippery and cold. finn laughed, smiling. you looked up at him, gazing into his brown eyes. you smiled back at him.

" right from the start, i knew that i'd found a home for my heart ."

you and finn had been friends from the start, now at a party together as friends. it was undeniable you both had feelings for each other, yet you never admitted to those feelings.

the rush and buzz of alcohol, drugs, and who knows what other substances had been ran through the house. heck, you had even drank some type of alcohol alongside finn.

"hey." finn said, slurred. you smiled at him, "hi finn." he leaned back on the couch. "i've been thinking." he mumbles.

you looked at him confused, "what?" he sits up. "why aren't we dating yet? am i doing something wrong? i've been sitting up in my bed and thinking when am i going to get with you. when can i finally tell everybody i'm dating the most gorgeous girl in the school? i think about you during class, when i'm practicing music, when im sleeping, when i'm just sitting and doing nothing. i think that i am so lucky to call you my best friend, but i want to be your boyfriend! i want to tell you everyday, i like you. yet you're oblivious to the fact that i want you, i want you more than anything." in that moment, you pressed a kiss to finn's lips, the both of you melting into it. he put his hands on your waist, smiling.

" darling don't be afraid i have loved you, for a thousand years. i'll love you for a thousand more. "

you and finn sat in your houses, finn angry with himself. you sat on your bed, crying. finn smiled, picking up the picture of you two on his bedside.

he slipped on his shoes and jacket, making his way out of the door. he rushed to your house, knowing how close it was.

finn walked up to the door, out of breath. he sighed, knocking on it. there was a long moment before the door clicked open, "y/n.." he whispered, you quickly wrapped your arms around him. "listen, i'm sorry." he said, his voice wavering. "i should've been thinking better. i should've known better. especially when the girl i really love is right here next to me." you looked up at him. his warm, brown eyes looking at you.

"i love you too, finn." he smiled, holding you tightly.

" time stand still, beauty in all she is . i will be brave, i will not let anything take away whats standing in front of me ."

you smiled at finn, holding onto his arm. he stiffens up, biting his lip.

"listen. i, well-" he sighed, looking for words to say. "i don't want to make this hard, i really don't," his voice strained, "well. i got casted for the role." you looked up at him, confused.

"that's good! why are you sad?" you say, looking at finn. he took a deep breath. "they are filming in L.A, that's way far from here." your heart dropped. you sighed, "this is your dream. we're gonna do whatever we have to do to make this work. i promise you." tears rolled down his cheeks, your small hand wiping them away.

"i promise." you whisper, grabbing his hand. he bites his lip, nodding. he lays his head on your shoulder, smiling.

" every breath, every hour has come to this. one step closer. i have died everyday waiting for you."

finn grabbed your hand, holding you in his arms. the both of you swayed on the hard wooden floor beneath you two.

the night was windy, but still filled with beauty. the stars seemed to align and in that moment, everything felt perfect.

you two knew this was going to end, yet you acted like it was never going to. for the sake of the tears, hot and ready to pour out of yours eyes, you stared at finn and he stared back at you. the numerous couples and young children roaming around at the wedding were in awe of this teenage romance.

it seemed everybody stopped and really knew that you and finn truly loved each other. finn smiled at you, leaning in closer to you. your aunt smiled, her new husband holding her hand.

everything was slow from then on, you both felt like nobody else was there.

"listen, we're gonna make this work." he says softly. you nod, grabbing his hand. "whatever it takes, if i have to stay up late just to call you i will. if i have to pour boiling water on my head just to have you i will. i'd kill for you." you laugh softly, smiling.

"i love you so much finn, you are really extraordinary. i'd do anything just to be there with you. i'm gonna miss you." he smiles lightly, sighing.

the song ended, people beginning to clap. finn pressed a soft kiss to your forehead, looking down at you. "we can be miles away, but my hearts always gonna be next to yours." he laughs. you laugh, "you're so cheesy wolfhard."

" i'll love you for a thousand more and all along i believed i would find you. time has brought your heart to me."

you smiled at finn through your laptops screen. "only a few more months." finn whispers. you have a small smile on your lips, "only a few more months. i can't wait." it was beyond late at night, the sun almost about to rise. finn was awake, exhausted, yet he stayed up just to talk to you.

"how was filming?" you ask. "it was good, wish you were here too." he says, mumbling the last part.

"i do too." your lips pressing together. finn rests his head back on his pillow, closing his eyes. you smile, laying back.

"remember what i said, my heart is always next to yours." he says, yawning at the end. "mine is too." you say. finns breathing slows down to a rhythmic pattern, soft breathing escaping from his lips. you close your eyes, smiling to yourself.

" i have loved you for a thousand years, i'll love you for a thousand more."

you sat on a hard and cold seat, tired at the airport. it was three in the morning, finn's plane landing at four. you checked your phone, it being twenty minutes from four.

you softly dozed off, cuddling up to your knees. you thought off how long you had gone without finn, how you couldn't wait these minutes because it felt like eternity waiting for him.

you felt your arm being shaked, opening up your eyes. you looked up, seeing brown eyes. finn smiled, wrapping his arms around you. you jumped up, squeezing him tightly. finn laughed, kissing your head.

"i'm back." he breathed out. "i know, i love you." you said.

"i love you more. way more." he said, cupping your face. he kissed your soft lips, cold from the weather. you smiled, tracing your finger across his cheek.

"you're the best wolfhard." you say softly. "you're way better, l/n." he grabs your hand.

[ macie speaks ! ]
ok so i edited this and added a few parts. hope new people like this, welcome have fun reading this. im adding authors notes just for reminds. pls don't be a ghost reader i'm okay with comments & votes, i wanna see how you guys like stuff. i dont bite and enjoy reading this stuff 🥰😌 check out carolina for harry styles & sweetener for luke hemmings on my page its way

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