promise :: finn

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being the one and only, finn wolfhard's little sister was tough.

you always made plans,

"yeah we'll go to the movies!" or, "we can chill later tonight."

never happened, which saddened you that you are practically losing your brother. every night you would secretly hope that he wouldn't promise you ever again, just so you wouldn't have high hopes that he would fulfill the promises. you always knew that he would never.

you would wait, wait some more and more. nothing. not a single second of time was wasted on you. it seemed he wasn't even your brother anymore, it hurt to think about that, but it honestly was half of a truth.

"okay, i'll be there in a few." you heard finn say through the phone, you shaking your head. you took a glance at your dressed attire, the movie you and finn had planned to go to. you resisted walking out, but you decided to go confront.

you walked through the hallway, the door clicking and locking.

"he never keeps any promises." you whisper sadly, a warm tear falling down your cheek.

[ macie speaks ! ]
ok so i edited this and added a few parts. hope new people like this, welcome have fun reading this. im adding authors notes just for reminds. pls don't be a ghost reader i'm okay with comments & votes, i wanna see how you guys like stuff. i dont bite and enjoy reading this stuff 🥰😌 check out carolina for harry styles & sweetener for luke hemmings on my page its way

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