wisdom teeth :: finn

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"promise me you'll be outside of the door when i'm inside?" finn asks, pouting. you nod, laughing.

"i'll be there every step of the way." his name is called, his grasp tightening on your hand. he fake cries, walking into the room.

as you hear the loud laughing and profanities, you roll your eyes, walking into the room.

"what the fudge sticks, why does my lip numb hurt?" his mom answers back, "you just got your wisdom teeth out."

he looks at you, his eyes widening. "who is that pretty girl?!" you roll your eyes.

"she's your girlfriend dork." nick answers, laughing at him. he gasps. "for real? i got lucky bro." he says, leaning back. he puckers his lips, covered in dried blood and chapped. you shake your head.

"not today." he frowns. "pleasee!" you pretend to think for a second. "once you're all better, i'll give you one. but not now, you're all icky." he smiles. "okay, i'll work on it."

[ macie speaks ! ]
ok so i edited this and added a few parts. hope new people like this, welcome have fun reading this. im adding authors notes just for reminds. pls don't be a ghost reader i'm okay with comments & votes, i wanna see how you guys like stuff. i dont bite and enjoy reading this stuff 🥰😌 check out carolina for harry styles & sweetener for luke hemmings on my page its way

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