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Miharu squirmed as she and Itachi sat in front of Mikoto. Mikoto grinned at the two.

"Soooo, how are things with you two?"Mikoto asked. Miharu rose an eyebrow. Itachi stayed silent.

"Your meaning?"Miharu asked. Itachi glanced at her. Mikoto leaned forward on the table.

"Oh, my dear, I mean how is your relationship going?"Mikoto asked.

"Relationship?"Itachi exclaimed. Miharu glanced at him. Now he reacts? She snorted internally. Mikoto grinned.

"Why of course. You two are in a relationship, are you not?"Mikoto asked innocently.

"Absolutely not. I told you what I thought of your son upon first meeting you,"Miharu told her boredly. She clenched her fists on the fabric of her shorts she had on. She gave Mikoto an annoyed look. "Besides, not only is your son completely vicious and filled with mal-intent, but he is not interested in me at the least." Mikoto chuckled.

"Oh? Is that so? And what say you, my son?"Mikoto asked. She picked up the fan she had laying on the floor and opened it holding it in front of her face. Her eyes bore into Itachi, and he felt like his mother was staring into his soul. She can tell I've got an interest in this stupid girl. Itachi scowled. "As I thought. Perfect, as of now you two are engaged♥!" Miharu and Itachi both jumped up.



Surprisingly, it wasn't Itachi who had just cussed. Mikoto laughed lightly at the two flustered young adults in front of her.

"Mother, I won't allow this, I refuse to-"

"I'm your mother and by god you will listen to me!"Mikoto shouted. Itachi plopped down on his pillow immediately. Miharu slowly lowered herself down. Mikoto let a sweet smile fall back onto her face again. "Now then." God this woman is nuts! Miharu thought bitterly. "Leave your engagement party and wedding plans to me. You may leave." Miharu sighed hard and followed Itachi out of the room. She ground her teeth.

"Grinding your teeth isn't good for them,"Itachi told her. She glared at him.

"I don't have to take lip from a guy who couldn't even refuse his mother's order!"Miharu hissed. Itachi gazed at her and sighed. Married to unexpected.


That night, Miharu didn't eat her meal. She and Itachi never ate together, but she'd lost her appetite. She left the tray on the table that the maid had brought in, and pulled her legs up to her, resting her chin on her knees. She wrapped her arms around her legs. Her eyes focused on the view outside her window. After a while she heard a light knock on the door. She jerked and turned her gaze to it. When it opened to reveal Itachi, her eyes widened.

"Just as I thought,"he murmured. She blinked at him. His eyes were on the untouched food. "You're not eating." Miharu returned her gaze to the window.

"I'm not hungry,"Miharu told him. He narrowed his eyes.

"And what about sleep?"Itachi asked her. Miharu sighed.

"Will you stop that? First you kidnap me, threaten my family, order me around, whip me, and then you're asking questions about my health?"Miharu told him. She frowned. Her grip on her arms tightened. "I don't care anymore." Itachi marched over to her. He grabbed her chin and jerked her face towards his.

"Listen you insignificant woman,"Itachi growled. His voice was low and menacing, but Miharu wasn't scared of him anymore. She'd been through so many things it was boring. "Because of my mother's sudden choice to have me marry you, I will not be allowing you to become sickly. You will eat properly and sleep properly, because even if I don't love you inside you will still be married to me and in the end forced to inevitably bear my children. Is that clear?" Miharu's eyes widened. He released her and she turned her gaze back outside the window. Itachi stared at her and sighed. "If you do not eat I will shove it down your throat."

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