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"Miharu, come on, you gotta come out! We're going to be late for the engagement party,"Itachi sighed. 

"No! I don't want to!"Miharu yelled. Itachi looked at his watch frustratedly. He sighed. 

"Seriously, please come out? Let's go, it's one of our biggest nights together,"Itachi insisted. 

"I look like a slut!"Miharu protested. Itachi quirked his eyebrow. A knock sounded on the door Itachi glanced to see Michiko standing there in a purple, two-piece short dress. Shisui popped his head up over hers. They were eachother's date for the night, and the four had promised to go together to the evening's party. 

"You don't look like a slut!"Itachi insisted. He placed his hand on the door. "Come on, My Haru, come out already." Michiko rose an eyebrow. Must be his nickname for her. 

"You picked this dress on purpose!"Miharu hissed. Itachi snorted. 

"I did, because I knew you would look beautiful,"Itachi retorted. Miharu fell silent. "You should see what your sister is wearing, she's showing just as much skin as you will be." 

"Michiko looks good in everything! I just look slutty!"Miharu told him. He sighed. 

"At least open the door?"Itachi begged. Miharu froze. She huffed and blew hair out of her face, opening the door. Michiko and Shisui peeked around Itachi and their eyes widened. She's beautiful...Itachi thought. Michiko frowned. Damn, wish I was that hot, She thought. Miharu was blushing furiously, with her arms crossed over her exposed skin. Her dress was a black onepiece, that was short. It had sheer fabric in big horizontal stripes on the front, and one above her boobs as well. "You look beautiful." Itachi told her. She looked away from him. He stepped into the bathroom and walked over to her, placing his hands on her hips, making her look up at him. "I picked this dress because I wanted every man tonight to be jealous that you were mine and not theirs. That's why. You look amazing. So let's go, okay?" Itachi gazed down into her eyes. She pouted and looked away. 

"Fine, only because you'll be there and you're asking me to,"Miharu huffed at him. He smiled and placed a soft kiss on her forehead. 

When they arrived at the engagement party, Miharu stuck to Itachi like glue. In a surprise, she noticed Nishiki walking over to her. The speeches and stuff had already been done, and so had the announcement of who the couple was. Miharu stared at Nishiki, her hand fumbling for Itachi's. He took hers gently and squeezed it, letting her know he was with her. Nishiki stopped in front of them. 

"Hello Miharu,"He spoke. Miharu felt anger boil up in her. 

"Hi, Nishiki,"Miharu muttered in response. He smiled. 

"What a lovely dress. Let me guess, Itachi picked it?"Nishiki spoke. Miharu hummed in response. "I wanted to let you know....I'm happy for you."Miharu blinked in surprise. "I really am, and I bet mom and dad would be too. I know Michiko is." Nishiki added, gesturing towards Michiko who was laughing it up with Shisui. "Well, I know after your wedding we'll probably celebrate hers." Miharu snorted once. 

"You're right,"She agreed. She closed her eyes. Her other hand was holding a long stemmed glass of champagne, but she wasn't going to drink it. Itachi had gotten it for her as per normal publicity statements. Everyone was watching to see how the two acted together. If there was one little slip up, then people would object to their marriage. After Nishiki left, Miharu sat her glass of undrank champagne on the table behind her. Itachi lead her to the dancing area and they danced a little. She sighed and leaned closer to him, lavishing in his strong male scent. It had been something she'd always admired about him. He smelled really good, and she'd wondered if it was his shampoo or body wash but had never cared to find out. When they were done dancing, and the party was over, she let out a relieved sigh for them to be heading back to their room. 

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