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When Miharu got her dress on, and finally came out in her complete ensemble, Michiko squealed and jumped up and down, clapping her hands. Miharu blushed, holding onto the bouquet of flowers in her hand. She looked away and grabbed at the fabric on the bottom of her dress. Mikoto nodded in approval and grinned at her. Miharu sighed and as she looked at herself in the mirror, she touched her tattoo that was revealed. 

"You're breathtaking. Itachi might cry,"Mikoto told her. Miharu gave her a doubtful look and Mikoto laughed. She waved her hand in the air beside her head. "If he doesn't cry, you can turn around and walk back in, because he must not have seen you." Miharu snorted and nodded slowly. Her hair was adjourned with white fake flowers, and her face was heavy with makeup. "Also, don't worry about your honeymoon preparations."

"Ah, what?! A honeymoon, I didn't-"Miharu began. Mikoto hold her hand up. 

"Neither did I. Itachi planned something for you two, without either of our knowledges. Don't tell him I let slip!"Mikoto laughed, covering her mouth and closing her eyes. Miharu sighed and stood still. She jumped when she heard a knock on the door and turned her head to see Nishiki walk in. Michiko smiled and waved at him and his eyes widened when he saw Miharu in her dress. Miharu pouted. 

"I know, it's not me at all,"Miharu told him. He laughed. 

"Ah, no it's totally you. I think mom would've had a fit of joy, and dad might've actually broken down in tears,"Nishiki told her. Miharu tilted her head to the side. Think so? She wondered. He held up the "okay" symbol with his hand. "I know so." Nishiki was the choice for walking Miharu down the aisle. He'd offered it in place of their father, and even so, Miharu was wearing a locket around her neck with her father's picture inside so he was still there. He held his arm out. "Ready, little sis?"

"As ready as I'll ever be,"Miharu sighed. She took his arm. As they stood waiting for the music to start for them to move, she fidgeted nervously. Nishiki squeezed her hand gently. 

"Relax, you look great. Itachi might cry,"Nishiki joked. Miharu snorted. Why was everyone saying that? The music started, and off went Sakura and Michiko as Miharu's only bridesmaids. They were both escorted by Sasuke and Shisui, as Itachi's only groomsmen. When it was Miharu's turn, she took a big breath. She was very nervous. She and Nishiki walked into the chapel, and Itachi froze. To Miharu's surprise, several tears actually escaped from his eyes. Miharu gave him a happy smile. 

And thus began the first day of the rest of their lives together. 


The flight to New Zealand was long and taxing. Miharu sat quietly beside Itachi, who was asleep with his head on her shoulder, and she read a book as they waited for their plane to land. After a minute, Itachi stirred in his sleep, and Miharu glanced at him quickly, before returning her gaze to her book. Itachi sat up and glanced out his window. He excitedly tapped Miharu's arm several times. 

"Look, look, we're here,"He told her. She chuckled quietly. This behavior was new for him, and she didn't quite understand it. He grabbed her hand and turned to look at her, beaming with happiness. For him, he was finally married to the love of his life. To him, this was the first of a long, long life of memories they would always cherish. To him, this was his way of showing her she was now and forever his. But...he wasn't going to tell her that. 

Miharu was kind of glad he didn't pick a cliche place like the beach, or hawaii or something. Sure they were out of country, but at least Itachi might know the language. Miharu held his hand as they went through the airport and grabbed their bags. Itachi made sure to keep his fingers laced with hers, worried she might get lost in a place like this. From what he'd read in Miharu's file, and what she'd told him, she'd never left Japan before. She'd barely even left Tokyo, and when she had she went to Okinawa for a school trip. Together they got into the black car waiting for them and were ushered to the fancy resort they were staying in. Miharu kept silent as her eyes fell on the bed in their room. Itachi stood quietly behind her, knowing what she was thinking. He let out a sigh. 

"You know....if you're not ready....we can wait another night or two,"Itachi murmured. Miharu blushed and jumped, turning to look at him behind her. She shook her head quickly and smiled at him. 

"I wouldn't want to keep my lovely husband waiting, would I?"Miharu asked. Itachi stared at her and a small smile placed itself on his lips. He snaked his hand around her and pulled her to him. 

"No, I don't think you'd want to keep me waiting, Mrs. Uchiha,"Itachi told her. 

And so that was the night they formed yet another passionate bond.


Michiko sat silent in her room, her eyes focusing on the design she was drawing on the sketchpad in front of her. A knock scared her and she drug the pencil across the drawing. 

"Oi! Say something instead of knocking, ya halfwit!"Michiko hissed, turning to see Shisui standing there with his hands in his jeans pocket. He walked over as she began erasing the accidental line. 

"I could've just stood there and stared,"He laughed. She stuck her tongue out at him and he sat down on her bed in front of her. "What are you drawing today?" Michiko shrugged. She pulled away and his eyes widened as he spotted the intricate dragon that had been partially drawn across the page. "Damn, that's good." Michiko laughed lightly. 

"Thank you,"she told him. She picked her sketchbook up and flipped it shut looking at him curiously as she dropped her pencils and eraser into her plastic bag. "So what brings you by? Or were you just "in the hallway/neighborhood"?" Shisui chuckled lightly at her joke and shrugged at her. 

"I was just wondering what you were drawing for,"he asked. She tilted her head to the side, placing it gently on her nightstand. 

"Want me to tell you?"She asked, her cheeks turning a little red from embarrassment. He nodded. She sighed and looked down a little. "Well, Mikoto-san told me...that I might wind up getting a tattoo someday, so I thought, why not design my own?" Shisui gazed at her and hummed in response. "Hey, speaking of which, what's your tattoo?" Shisui suddenly blushed and scratched his cheek awkwardly. 

"Well, it's kinda stupid,"He told her. "You probably don't want to know." She leaned forward, closer to his face. 

"Nooo, I wanna know. Tell me!"She insisted. Shisui sighed. 

"Well, I got waves tattooed on me..."Shisui told her. She blinked and tilted her head to the side. He gazed at her and sighed. She doesn't get it either....

"Ohh, like when you write your name in kanji, "Sui" means water. That makes sense,"Michiko understood. His eyes widened. She understood? Michiko suddenly blushed. "Uh, not that I've written your name, or anything." He stared at her and then felt a small smile place itself on his lips. She suddenly snapped her fingers. "Can I see it?" Shisui blinked and then devilishly grinned at her. 

"You're asking to see me shirtless?"He asked. Michiko blushed hard. 

"Wha-no!"She spluttered. "O-of course not!" Shisui laughed loudly, holding his stomach. She lightly shoved him. "It isn't funny!" Shisui turned around and pulled at his t-shirt taking it off halfway, and leaving it on his arms. 

"There,"He told her. 

"Oh wow,"Michiko exclaimed. When her hand brushed against his back he closed his eyes. She ran her finger over the intricate blue waves tattooed from the bottom of his shoulder blade up. Her head tilted to the side. As her fingers ran along his back and he stayed completely still, they heard a voice speak as someone entered the room. 

"Hey, Shisui, I was coming to ask you about-OH MY GOD!"Someone exclaimed. Michiko squeaked and leapt back from Shisui, and he quickly yanked his shirt back over his torso. They saw Sasuke standing there in surprise. "Shisui, you could at least close the door if you two are gonna be feeling each other up!" Michiko glared at Sasuke and he held his hands up defensively. Shisui sighed and stood up, adjusting his shirt and walking over to Sasuke. He gave Michiko an apologetic look and they left, closing her door. Outside in the hallway, Shisui's face burned bright red. He slid down the opposite wall of Michiko's room and covered his face. Inside the room, Michiko hid her face in a pillow. 

Her hand....

His skin....

....was so soft. 

(not edited) 

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