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"Push, Miharu. You can do it!"Itachi encouraged.

"THIS IS YOUR FAULT ITACHI! YOU DID THIS TO ME!"Miharu shouted at him as she was giving birth to his child. He had to admit her grip was killer on his hand. When the first one was out, she released his hand and fell back against the pillow. He let out small little noises of pain as he massaged his (probably broken) hand. Itachi sighed.

"Alright, Mrs. Uchiha, the last one. Come on,"the doctor spoke. Miharu gave a slight grimace. Itachi helped her sit up again, taking her hand with his other one. Immediately it was like his hand was stuck in a vice grip, or as if a python had decided his hand was it's supper and wrapped itself around it. He sucked in a hiss of pain. Miharu breathed hard as she groaned and pushed, tears and sweat leaking down her face. "Ah! There's it's head! Keep it coming." Miharu squeezed Itachi's hand really hard and he growled in pain, grinding his teeth and squeezing his eyes shut. And then the pain in his hand ceased. He opened his eyes to see Miharu breathing relaxed now (or at least more relaxed than she had been). The doctors took the babies and had them cleaned up, before bringing them (and a towel for Miharu) to their parents. Itachi took the towel and gently wiped the sweat on his wife's face off, proudness of her swelling up in his chest.

"So...boy's or girls?"Miharu breathed. Itachi helped her sit up a little more and handed a baby to her. Itachi grinned.

"It looks like identical boys,"he told her. Miharu hummed and held one in her arms gently, gazing at him. "Hm, look at their hair, My Haru." Miharu did as he spoke and her eyebrows rose.

"Each with black hair and a streak of blonde in it. Interesting,"Miharu laughed gently. "So what will we name them?"

"You name that one, and I'll name this one,"Itachi told her. She snorted. "What? Okay, then you name this one and-"

"It doesn't matter,"Miharu chuckled. Itachi blinked and looked at her. She smiled with her eyes closed and pressed her cheek to the top of the sleeping baby's head. "Look what we did!" Itachi grinned and held the baby in his arms close to him.


"Ahhh, so two boys?"Michiko commented as she stood in the hospital room with her sister. There were two little baby beds in little tubs, and each tub had a different name printed on it. "So Masahiko and Akihiko. Which one's which?" Her eyes slid to Itachi, who was passed out with one of the twins in his arms, who was also sleeping. She hummed with slight humor. "Worn out, isn't he?"

"He thought I broke his hands,"Miharu giggled. She held the other twin in her arms gently. "Well this one here, he's Masahiko. And Itachi has Akihiko. Akihiko is firstborn." Miharu smiled down at her's and Itachi's child in her arms.

"Did it hurt?"Michiko asked. The look Miharu gave her answered her question for her. Shisui walked into the room and smiled at Michiko, moving to place a kiss on her cheek. He was holding a bag. Miharu's eyes zeroed in on it.

"I brought you and Itachi some food, figured you'd want some,"Shisui told her. She blinked at him. He grinned. "It's Burger General, I figured you wanted one of their burgers." Miharu nodded viciously. Michiko smiles and held her hands out for Masahiko.

"Come to auntie!"Michiko giggled. She took the sleeping baby boy. "Ohhhh how precious!!!" Shisui shook his head, but smiled as he slid over Miharu's hospital food table to her. He placed her food down and sat down a soda for her as well.

"Good job, Miharu, now Michiko's gonna want some,"Shisui sighed comically. Miharu opened the box with her burger in it and rolled her eyes, taking a bite. Michiko snorted, and positions Masahiko gently in her arms, looking at his face. Maybe I do want kids, Michiko thought silently. Miharu sighed in satisfaction at the taste of the burger, thankful to Shisui for bringing food to the hospital. 

"Ahh, thank you Shisui, I could kiss you,"Miharu moaned at the taste of the food in her mouth.

"Kiss me instead,"Itachi murmured from his sleep. She glanced to see him sitting up and adjusting Akihiko. She rubbed her nose gently, swallowing her food. The IV in her arm was getting annoying, but she ignored it.

"Hey,"Miharu spoke. He nodded at her.

"I heard someone got food?"Itachi asked. Shisui nodded and sat the bag beside Itachi on the couch, holding his hands out for the baby. "Alright, thanks Shisui. Lifesaver." Akihiko was passed on to Shisui, who was also kind of getting a warm and fuzzy feeling from the baby he now held. Itachi tiredly rubbed his eyes and let out a yawn. 

"How late were you two up last night?"Michiko asked, as she sat down in a chair, holding the baby. Miharu sighed, munching on a frenchfry.

"Masahiko had to be fed at one, and Asahiko at three. Between that and the pain, I'd say we got about, what do you think Itachi? Two hours?"Miharu spoke. Itachi blinked as he ate and gave her a thumbs up. Miharu sniffed. "We were woke up by a nurse at six this morning too. They changed my iv and stuff." Shisui held the baby, feeling its warm body. He was beginning to feel tired just listening to what these two new parents had to go through. Miharu grinned. "All worth it though."

"That's true,"Itachi agreed. Shisui glanced between them. If anything they seemed closer now than ever before. Miharu was glowing with love for Itachi and her new children, and Itachi the same. Behind his tiredness, there was happiness. Behind his happiness, his love and admiration for his beautiful wife who had pushed through her pain and had given him a family. Shisui could tell, just by looking at Itachi, that his love for Miharu had only grown further. Michiko gazed at Miharu as she held the sleeping Masahiko. "So has Sasuke came by?" Miharu shook her head and swallowed her food. 

"Not even Nishiki has. You did call him, right Michi?"Miharu asked. Michiko nodded and closed her eyes. "Was he excited, or did he sound as bored as always?"

"Nah, he was glad you made him an uncle. Oh, and Sasuke should be coming by with Sakura. And some kid named Naruto,"Michiko told her. Miharu's eyes widened. She'd almost forgotten all about Naruto and her boss, Mr. Namikaze, who was apparently a yakuza boss. That fact didn't seem to matter to her anymore, everything was normal now. 

"Naruto is my old boss's kid,"Miharu told her. Michiko hummed in response. "What about Mikoto-san?"

"Didn't my mom tell you to call her mom?"Itachi dropped in. Miharu snorted. He grinned at her and bagged the food trash. "Mom called me after six this morning, when I stepped out to go get a nurse about taking that IV out of your arm. Said she'd be here with Dad after three or four this afternoon."

"Oh, Fugaku-san is coming too? Didn't figure he would be much for wanting to see children,"Michiko commented. Itachi and Miharu frowned at her. She shrugged. Michiko looked down at the baby in her arms. Miharu sighed and held her hands out. Michiko pouted. "What? You've carried them for nine months, let me hold the little guy for a little longer?" Miharu rolled her eyes. 

"Here, hold Akihiko, and you can giver her Masahiko back,"Shisui spoke. Itachi shook his head. 

"Noperoni, today's your anniversary, so you two are going to dinner,"Miharu spoke. Itachi took Akihiko and Michiko reluctantly gave Masahiko to Miharu. Shisui and Michiko reluctantly left so that they could go to their dinner. As they walked down the hallway to leave the hospital, Michiko hummed at Shisui. 

"Hey, Shisui?"she murmured. He glanced at her. "I want kids...." Shisui's eyes widened and he smiled at her. He stopped and placed his hand on top of her head, rubbing her hair around. She looked up at him in surprise. He grinned down at her. 

"We'll have kids. But let's not rush into it quite yet. We've been together for a year, we're getting married in the fall, I think after marriage is a perfect time,"Shisui told her. She blushed and grabbed onto his jacket, pulling herself closer to him and resting her head on his chest. "What is it?"

"Nothing...I just really love you,"she told him softly. He blushed and placed his hand on the back of her head, sighing. 

"Yeah? I love you too,"he replied. 

(Not edited)

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