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We now fast forward fifteen months after Itachi and Miharu's wedding. 

Michiko paced around in front of Miharu, sighing bitterly. Miharu sat still on the couch, eating fried pickles with ranch, and watching her sister move back and forth. Itachi sat beside Miharu, not wanting to leave her side. 

"I mean seriously! It's been a year! He...nothing special has happened, or anything! We've made out, we've kissed and held hands. A few dates here and there, but other than that, nothing! Zero! Zilch! NADA!"Michiko exclaimed. She sighed, moving her hands about as she ranted. Miharu swallowed her food and Itachi chose to speak. 

"Maybe you two just need a break?"Itachi suggested loosely. Miharu nudged him and shook her head quickly. He gave her a confused look, but understood when Michiko exploded.

"A BREAK?! You men all think the same way!"Michiko hissed. Miharu sweatdropped. She turned to face Itachi, giving him an out. 

"Itachi, would you be a dear and go get me something to drink? A grape soda would be swell,"she told him. His eyes thanked her as he stood up, placing a kiss on her forehead. Michiko moved and fell to her knees in front of Miharu. Here come the tears....Miharu thought. Itachi quickly handed her a box of already prepared tissues, before heading to get her the drink she'd requested. Michiko sniffled. 

"Does he just not want me anymore?"She bawled. Miharu passed her a tissue and rubbed her sister's back soothingly. This had happened about once a week now. Michiko had started feeling like she'd drifted apart from Shisui, and Shisui was oblivious to it. "Am I just not good enough?" 

"No, no,"Miharu comforted. She shook her head at her sister. "Shisui loves you, honey, you know that. He's just....a guy..." 

"But he's a guy I love!"Michiko sobbed. She looked at Miharu with tears streaming down her face. "And this time the fight was worse!" Miharu gave her sister a sympathetic look. 

"Now now, Michi, I'm sure he'll come crawling back,"Miharu insisted. Michiko shook, burying her face in her hands. A knock sounded on the door to Itachi and Miharu's room. The door swung open and Shisui stuck his head over the banister. He quickly clomped down the stairs. Michiko saw him and pushed herself up, crossing her arms, still crying, and looking at him defiantly. Shisui stopped in front of her and opened his mouth, but then closed it. Itachi popped his head in from the kitchen and cast Miharu a look. Miharu held a hand up. 

"What?"Michiko sniffled. She tried to breath through her tears. Shisui surprised all three of the adults as he knelt in front of Michiko and pulled out a little box. Michiko's eyes widened. He pulled it open. 

"Michiko....I'm sorry I haven't had much time for you...but with getting tied up at work, and between picking out something that would suit you....I just..."Shisui murmured. He looked up at her. "Marry me."



"EH?!"Itachi and Miharu exclaimed. Michiko blinked down at Shisui. 

"If you marry me, we will always be together. I will make time for you...and when we have kids, for them too. You're the only girl I've ever actually loved,"Shisui told her. Michiko was crying different tears now. "The only one who's ever actually loved me. I want to experience everything with you, forever and always. I don't want to be apart from you anymore. So please. Will you marry me?" Michiko sniffled even more. 

"That's what I was waiting for you to ask me!"She wailed. She stuck her hand out and let him slide the ring onto her finger. She tossed her arms around his neck. Miharu suddenly felt a strange feeling. 

"Oh god, not again!"Miharu exclaimed. She scrambled to the bathroom and Itachi quickly followed suit, pulling her hair back from her face as she began to throw back up the contents of the pickles she'd just eaten. When she was done he gave her a kind look and a glass of water, crouching in front of her. He placed his hand on her forehead. She sniffled. "Oh, Itachi, I can't keep anything down anymore!" 

"It's okay, My Haru, once you get past the first few months...you'll be able to eat anything you want,"Itachi reassured her. He grinned and placed his hand on her stomach. "Well, anything the little one wants." 


Michiko grinned as she stood by her sister at her engagement party. Miharu had actually almost refused to come, saying that she was blowing up to the size of a balloon. Sakura stood beside them as well, and they were all talking with each other. 

"So, Miharu, when are you due?"Sakura asked. Miharu sighed and placed a hand on her belly. 

"Another month or two. I'm carrying twins,"She told her. Sakura's eyes brightened. 

"Awww! That's great! Decided on names yet?"She asked. Miharu shook her head and gestured to their three men, talking off to the side about some business of some sorts. Shisui had to be convinced to leave Michiko alone so the three women could talk, he hadn't wanted to leave her side at all. 

"Itachi's been asking me to, but I've drawn a blank,"Miharu sighed gently. She smiled. "I think I'm finally glad to be past the whole morning sickness thing though. Boy was that awful." Sakura laughed gently. 

"So when's the wedding, Michiko?"Sakura asked. Michiko smiled. And at that point, Miharu just zoned out, her gaze traveling to the balcony. She sat her drink down and wobbled her way outside, breathing in the cool, fresh air. As she placed her hands on the railing of the balcony, she heard the door open behind her. Itachi walked over to her. He smiled and casually took his jacket off. 

"You shouldn't be out here where it's so cold, you could get sick,"he told her. Miharu laughed gently, smiling at him. 

"You're such a worrier,"she told him. He placed his jacket around her shoulders and kissed her on the forehead. "So, is Shisui clinging to Michiko again?" Itachi chuckled and nodded at her. 

"Though I can't say I blame him. Your sister's looking more and more radiant these days,"Itachi told her. For some reason Miharu felt herself start crying. "Wha- Miharu, what's wrong?!" Miharu touched her tears. 

"Ah-I don't know! I just got a sad feeling when you mentioned Michiko for some reason,"Miharu sniffled. Itachi gazed at her and his eyes softened. He sighed and pulled her as close as he could with her pregnant state. He placed a kiss on the top of her head. 

"As radiant as your sister is, you're still my sun. I revolve around you,"Itachi told her softly. Miharu clutched onto his shirt fabric. He grinned as he held her close to him. "Besides, what fool would leave a woman like you for her when she's already engaged to my cousin? Now that Shisui has someone, he's not going to give her up so easily. He's finally got her and he'll keep her." Miharu sighed and breathed in Itachi's scent. She snickered suddenly. 

"I'm still surprised he proposed to her,"Miharu told him. Itachi laughed and let her go, looking down at her. 

"Yeah, that was pretty shocking, wasn't it? And out of the blue too. Though I knew he'd been looking for a ring for a while,"Itachi commented. A ring... He glanced at Miharu's sudden change in expression. "Do you want a ring? It's a little late to call it an engagement ring...but I could get you one for your birthday this week." Miharu blushed. 

"W-wow, is it already this week?"Miharu asked. He grinned and poked her forehead. 

"You forgot your own birthday? You nerd,"Itachi laughed. She frowned and sighed at him. He grinned and grabbed her chin in his hand. "We'll celebrate your birthday however you want." He lowered himself and gently placed a kiss on her soft lips. He lavished in the fact that she was his. That those lips were only his to kiss, and she was only his to look at whenever he wanted. She truly was like his own personal sun. As bright, and beautiful as one, and just as warm when she lit up the room. 

(Not Edited)

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