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Miharu woke up to a knock at the door. She yawned and crawled out of her bed, moving to it. When she opened it, she saw Itachi.

"Itachi?"she spoke, confused. Itachi rolled his eyes.

"Yes. Get dressed. We're going clothes shopping. If you're to be my wife, and appear in public as my fiancé until then, you have to start wearing high end clothes,"Itachi told her. Miharu rubbed her eyes. "Oh don't tell me you're still tired, I let you sleep until nine today." Her eyes widened and slipped over to see that she clock did indeed read nine. Miharu scratched her head. Itachi gazed at her and tilted his head to the side. A small smile spread across his lips. "It looks like you actually got some sleep for yourself." Her head whipped back to Itachi and her eyes widened slightly. She crossed her arms and looked down.

"Yeah, well, it's not a normal occurance,"she lied. Itachi sighed and turned around.

"Get dressed,"He told her. He glanced over his shoulder. "Or I could undress you-"

"I'm good,"Miharu interrupted holding her hand up. He shrugged at her and went to wait outside the door. When she was dressed and opened the door, Itachi grabbed her wrist.

"Great, let's go,"He spoke, dragging her towards the elevator.

"W-wait! Let go,"Miharu exclaimed. He ignored her and they got into the elevator. When they reached the parking garage he waved his hand around at the mass amount of sports cars. Miharu blinked. What, don't tell me these are all his? Itachi grinned at her awed expression.

"Your choice. Some of these aren't mine, most of them are,"Itachi told her. She gaped. Her eyes found a sleek black mustang and she pointed at it. He hummed and grabbed a key from the hook she hadn't noticed beside the door. She followed him in and stopped.

"Wait, I forgot my wallet,"Miharu murmured. She turned to go back and grabbed it but was stopped with Itachi's voice.

"Where we're going you wouldn't be able to buy anything. Come on now,"Itachi sighed at her. She rolled her eyes and climbed into the car annoyed.

"You're seriously going to buy everything today?"She asked him. He nodded once, starting up the car. She buckled her seatbelt and he pulled out of the garage. While driving he heard a buzzing sound and his eyebrows furrowed when he watched Miharu pull out a lame looking flip-phone. She glanced at him. "What?"

"You have an old as hell phone,"Itachi commented. Miharu rolled her eyes.

"Michiko's hospital bills were expensive. I focused on necessity rather than preference,"she told him. She clicked and opened her message, frowning when it was her boss. Itachi watched her from the corner of his eye, and then jolted, trying to keep his eyes on the road. Why am I so preoccupied with her?

"We'll get you a new phone today as well,"He suddenly told her. Her eyes widened and turned to face him. He sighed and closed his eyes for a second, reopening them. "Don't give me that look, if you're going to be in the clan, then you may as well have the best quality things." Miharu was silent for a moment. She faced forward.

"Itachi....the more you say those things, the more it makes me think you don't mind getting married to me,"Miharu muttered. Itachi froze for a second. He frowned hard. She's right...Wasn't I someone who also opposed this? And yet here I am offering to buy her expensive clothes and a new cell phone. I don't get it. IT's like she's changing my mind about things little by little. I've got to find a way out of this marriage and fast. Maybe if I can prove to mother how much we hate each other.

"I do mind. You think I want to be married to a nobody like you? No one would want that,"Itachi told her. His voice was monotone, and he knew the words were bitter as they came out. They tasted awful from his mouth. Miharu stayed quiet. When he glanced at her his eyes widened slightly. A sad, pained look had spread over her face and she was smiling grimly. Did what I say hurt that much? Itachi parked the car and they both got out. She followed behind him silently, not looking up or even daring to say a word. Her behavior struck a chord in him and he wondered why just those few words bothered her that much. He lead her into a store. "First we'll shop for formal wear. Clothes for dinner parties and such. I'll pick things, your taste couldn't be refined to any of these clothes." Why am I being so rude to her?

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