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I had to stay home becuase of a fever.
FUCKING great now i can't see the party.
I get up and climb down my ladder and my head starts to spin I plant my feet and hold on to the sides of my ladder.
All of this becuase I fucking like NO love two boys?! Bullshit
I look at El's bed and she's not thare. Thare was only a paper folded up. I look at the clock
Shit man
I pick up the paper and unfold it and start to read

Dear [name]
I know you just woke up and I was going to tell you but you were so peaceful while you were sleeping I couldn't. I found a box filled with things from the bad place and I'm going to find my mama and possibly my sister. Please don't worry about me I flipped a van I can handle myself. Don't show Hopper this note please.

Love Eleven

"Oh shit El why?"
I fold up the paper again and stuff it under her pillow. I walk out the room and no one seems to be home but me I sigh. It's eather I'm left alone with El or just left alone in general but then again this is what I get for feeling love.
I pop some Eggos in the toster and make myself bacon and scrambled eggs and pour myself some milk. Shit we are going to need some more food.
I walk to Hoppers room and find some money on the bed with another fucking note.

Hey [nickname]
You are probably going to have to go shopping for some food so here is some money
- Hopper

Eh ok let's do this.
I change into a over sized [favorite color] hoodie and jeans and my [favorite color] converse and grab the money and stuff it in my pocket. I walk out the door and lock up and walk to my bike. I take a deep breath and I feel less sick. I hop on my bike and ride to the store Joyce works at leave my bike on the bike rack and walk in.
"Hello welcome to- sweetheart why are you here and not at school?"
Joyce greets me with a smile

"I got a little sick and I broke the arm I write with so it's going to be a little hard trying to write or draw with a broken arm for the next two weeks"
I say with a smile. Damn it it's always the Byers family to make me smile so God damn much.

"Well what do you need?"
Joyce asks

"Just some food for the house and that's it I will be on my way home then take a nap and wait for Hopper to get home"
I answer

"You don't have too. You can stay with me if you like?"

How do you say no to the Byers family?
You don't

"I don't want to bother you"

"No I insist you can help around if you want to or stay with me back here"

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