"is that my brother's shirt?"

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I quickly peddled over to Bev's trying not to brake my arm again almost sweating.
Someone had to believe me and I was hoping that would be my best friend.
I get there and throw down my bike and run up the stairs to where Bev's appartment is and basically pound on the door. She opens it and looks very confused.
"Beverly I have something to tell you and you're the only one who I can trust about this right now other Bill"
She motions me to come in and we walk to her room. She sits on the floor leaning against her bed and I lay down and place my head on her lap like I always do when I have too much on my mind.
"You used my full name so it's definitely something serious. What's wrong?"
"I keep seeing this shadowy figure thingie everywhere since I moved back here. I don't know what it wants from me. When I was riding back from going to get a watch with Eddie I saw it standing right under the Nebolt street sign. I feel like it has something to do with IT"

~Beverly's POV~

[Name] and I talked about her shadow monster for a while until she fell asleep in my lap. Thankfully my phone was on my floor from when I was talking to Ben earlier before she got here so I picked it up and dialed [name's] mom.
"Hi Mrs Hopper it's me Beverly I just called to tell you that [name] is here with me and she fell asleep I was wondering if she can stay the night and I'll bring her back tomorrow I know that tonight is a school night but I dont want her riding in the dark and the kids 7:00 curfew"
"Ok good I was starting to worry about where she was but of course I'll drop off her backpack and some clothes for her tonight I'll be right there"
"Ok thank you Mrs Hopper"
"Anytime Beverly"
I hang up and smile back down at [name] and gently move her head from my lap and place it on the floor. I hear a knock from my door and quietly walk out and open the door to see Stan standing there looking super scared.
"Do you know where [name] is? When I called her she didn't answer so I went to go ride over there her dad said that he doesn't know where she is so I went to go check anywhere she would be and everyone's house but she wasn't at anyone's house so I quickly peddled over here since you're the last place I could think of" he says as he takes a deep breath in.
"She's here and asleep on the floor and I need to put her in my bed so can you help me with that?" I ask him and he quickly nods. I let him in and close the door and we walk to my room.
"You know it's past seven right? You can get in trouble for being out this late on a school night"
"I know I just wanted to make sure she's ok and not with anyone she shouldn't be"
I sigh at his jealousy and possessiveness and open the door to my room. Stan and I pick her up and gently place her on one side of my bed
"Ok you can go now I just needed help with that"
Stan nods and we both walk out quietly and to the door and I show him out. As soon as I close the door I sigh and slide down the door. That boy needs to stop being so damn worried and possessive becuase it's already driving [name] away. I get up and walk back to my room and flop on my bed waiting for [name's] mom to arrive.

~Your POV~

"[Name] wake up" I hear Bev's voice call. I slowly sit up and look around then at Bev. We both smile at each other and I get out of bed.
"Your mom dropped off some clothes for you and your backpack" Bev says while pointing to a small grocery bag and my backpack.
I open my bag to see one of the shirts I borrowed from Mike one day becuase that night I out of no where spent the night just so all of us can play D&D and some shorts.

This was the shirt that everyone saw Mike in when they first went to Hawkins.
Stan can't see me on this shirt he'll know that it's Mike's and probably freak out.
Wait he probably wont even remember it.
Ok just put the outfit on and everything will be ok.

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