"tell me that you love me!"

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"Oh wow" uncle Hopper says after I tell him everything that happened tears still rolling down my face. "I dont know what to do I kinda feel bad that I chose my best friend over my boyfriend but Stan has known me way longer then Will has"
"From what your telling me it sounds like Will is jealous of Stan becuase he knows that Stan has known you for so long"
I wipe away my tears and shrug "now I'm going to let you go and make you some tea (if you dont like tea think of it as something else) and you go get changed into some pjs ok?" Uncle Hopper asks making me nod. He let's go of me and walks to the kitchen and I walk to my room only to see El sitting there she quickly looks at me and we both just kinda stand/ sit there and smile warmly a few more tears rolling down my cheeks she gets up and we hug. Before I can say anything she quickly interrupts "I hured everything when Hopper yelled your late I'm really sorry [name]" we let go and she sits down on her bed as I grap pjs to change into. We talk about where she went and she turns around as I start to change I mean yeah were girls but to her it's kinda werid to watch another girl change well at least to El once I finished changing Uncle Hopper knocks and we both look at the door "come in" we both say we look at each other and smile a little Uncle Hopper comes in and gives me a mug filled with [insert warm drink here] I smile a little and thank him. I never really noticed how sad he looked until now
"I'm sorry that I worry you so much" I say softly "no it's fine really its what I'm supposed to do" he awkwardly laughs. I stare at him he opened his mouth as if he was about to say something but the phone started to ring making me jump a little and Uncle Hopper mumbling something while getting up and going to the phone.
"Who is it?" I whisper making him look look at me
Before I could say anything El came out of our room with my walkie talkie "Dustin said he needs you" I nod and look at Uncle Hopper and he nods looking at me I grab my backpack wipe my tears put my walkie talkie in the bag and hug El and Uncle Hopper and walk out closing and locking the door I grab my bike and ride it to the street before I realize Dustin didn't say where to meet him at.
"Dustin this is [name]. Over"
"Dustin!" I yelled
"[Name] calm down!" Lucas answered
"How can I calm down when everything just happened and it's my fault"
There was a small silence
"Anyway Dustin said he needed me but didn't tell me where to go"
"Oh that I don't know"
"Thanks Lucas your a great help"
"[Name]!" Dustin yelled through the walkie talkie
"I need you to meet me at my house I need to discuss somethings with you"
"Okkkkkk theeeen"
"See you at my house. Over"
"Over and out" I say as I shove my walkie talkie back in my backpack and start to ride off to Dustin's house.
I finally get there and place my bike next to his and walk up to the door. Before I could even knock Dustin throws the door open and pulls me into the house we pass by his mom and we both exchange a wave as I was being dragged off somewhere. We finally get to his room he let's go of my wrist and closes the door as he turns to look at me i punch him in the shoulder "ow! What was that for!" He kinda yelled "for dragging me all the way to your room by my wrist your lucky I didn't do it earlier" his eyes widen and nods as I sit down on his bed "so why was I needed here and why is it only you and not the rest of the party?" "Mike got food poisoning, Lucas just didn't want to come and I didn't want to see you and Will fight"

Wait why Will and I fight yeah I'm pissed at him but I'm not going to yell at the boy

"Why would you thing I would fight with him? Like Verbaly or physically?"
"Because from what the party and I learned about you from Richie and Bill is that you would always get into fights when ever someone pissed you off. They say you never lost a fight"
"That's a physical fight and if I did physically fight Will I would of course win I would win against all of you Losers too well Bev, Bill and Mikey would put up a fight but that's not the point the point is I'm not going to physically fight Will. If he pushes my buttons enough maybe but I'm not going to physically or verbally fight him."
Dustin nods a bit scared knowing that if he makes any wrong moves his arm, leg, nose, foot, ankle any bone on his body could be easily broken by me.
"You should go vist Mike after this or another day all up to you" Dustin says i nod "I should head back home or go talk things over with Will or just go and do something with the Losers before they leave today" Dustin nods and follows me out the room. "Bye Ms. Henderson you have a lovely home" the woman smiles and waves "bye Ms. [Name] thank you and have a nice day" "I will" I say as Dustin and I walk to the door and swap smiles as I walk out. Dustin closes the door as I get onto my bike and start to ride.

Let's seeeeeee hmmmmmm maybe see the Losers before they leave first wait no they are already gone? I dont know then go see Will then go back home and see Mike tomorrow.

I start to ride off to the hotel they said they were staying at. Before I could even get there I see a group of 7 kids biking towards me I stop making them stop "I thought all of you left last night" I yell "turns out it was Sunday night not Saturday!" Ben yelled out making them ride over to me and smile. We all say hi and stuff making us talk in the middle of the road for what felt like hours until a car came by making all of us move out the way and bike off to the park and sit around and talk some more. I was sitting next to Bill and Stan i rested my head on Bill's shoulder that way every once in a while I could check on Stan's face. Everything was still there. I quickly looked away when Stan cought me looking at him "let's play alphabet Association" Mike said making all of us get excited "how do you play" Eddie asked "we all have to say the first thing that comes to mind when we say a letter. The stupidest word wins the round" we all nod "looks like Richie's going to win the whole game" Stan says making all of us laugh but Richie "hey I got some smart things in here" Richie says while pointing to his head "sure and I miss getting picked on by Henry Bowers" I say making the rest of the gang laugh more "ok ok let's play the game before we die of laughter" Eddie says making all of us stop laughing and getting ready to play the game.
After what felt like hours of laughing at all the stupid stuff Richie said for the letters we all decided that Richie won the game "we s-should st-start to head b-back" Bill stutters making me take my head off his shoulder and all of us get up and hug each other. We all just kinda stood there in a circle in silence "I'm really going to miss all of you" I say making everyone aww and hug me. We all say bye one more time and get on our bikes as the sun starts to slowly go down we all look at each other one more time before we ride off in different directions.
I finally make it to Will's and knock on the door Joyce opens it and frowns when she sees it's me "he hasn't been himself ever since yesterday come in and tell me your side" I walk in and tell her everything from when I met the Losers to me stealing to wjen I found out I liked Stan to that stupid ass clown to yesterday and she sat there in silence and nodding letting me know she was listening to all of it. "I think you should go talk to Will" I nod and walk to his room I opened the door to find him laying on his back face beaten up and wet from crying.
"Will can we talk. About what happened yesterday" I say walking in and sitting at the edge of the bed
He sits up and looks at me with dead eyes and now a upset face "what's there to talk about you already took his side" he says coldly which makes me a bit frustrated "I know and I'm sorry but I've known St-"
"Stan longer then I've know you yeah I know you always tell me that"
"Look I'm just trying to have a conversation with you and your making it very difficult"
"How am I making it difficult"
"Your making it seem like it's my fault" I say getting up and looking at him
"Maybe we shouldn't be a couple then"
"Fine then"

"You promised you wouldn't leave me and you go and lay on Bill's shoulder why are you acting like such a slut you went to me to him and now to Bill that's a slut move" he yells getting up
No one calls me a slut
I was about to punch him when I saw him flinch I took a deep breath and looked at him
"No one calls me a slut"
"Well then tell me that you love me!"
I was left in nothing but silence and anger
"That's what I thought now get out of my face and go and kiss your stupid bird boy"
"Fuck you William Byers fuck you"
Those were the last words that Will would ever hear from [name] as you walked out the door and went to Joyce "I'm sorry" and walked out and got on my bike and peddled as fast as I could all the way home.
As soon as I get home I throw down my bike and unlock the door slamming it shut making everyone in the house jump "that fucking bitch!"
"Language!" Uncle Hopper yells
"I'm sorry but Will and I broke up and he pissed me off"
"Wait you two broke up" El asked making me nod and sit down "all I want is to go back or Derry or tell told Stan when I had the chance" I say with a sigh Uncle Hopper looks at me kinda relaxed "what's up?" I say looking at him "[name] I've told your parents all about how how great you've been doing here and your going back to Derry on Tuesday"
My eyes widen

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