i need her.

434 14 57

Unknown's pov
(Shook a new pov)

[Name] has not been in school for some time now it's starting to worry me and the rest of the gang. After school I'm going to go see if she is home and ok I hope she's not sick.

Time skip to after school

I get on my bike and the rest of the gang follows.

"Why do you care about her so much do you like her-"
"Shut up-"
"You two stop fighting it's annoying"
"Wow sorry-"
"Can we just get thare in silence please"
"Thank you"
We get to [name's] house and I get off my bike and walk up to the door that's weird her bike isn't on her lawn. I knock on the door and [name's] mom opens the door. That's weird usually  [name] would yell 'I'll get it' and answer the door. Is she ok I so hope she's ok.
"Oh hello-" Mrs. Hopper says sweetly

The Hopper family have always been so nice to us. They always drove us home and let us have sleep overs they always had to watch out for-

"Hunny whare is the-oh nevermind found it" Mr. Hopper yells from whare ever he is

"What can I do for you?" Mrs. Hopper asks kindly

"Um is [name] here?"

"Oh my I forgot to tell your parents to tell you"

"Tell us what?"

"[Name] was getting into so much truble here the school made us take her out. She lives in Hawkens Indiana with her uncle Jim now I'm sorry I forgot to tell your parents to tell you"

"Thank you for the information Mrs. Hopper"

"You're  welcome dear and I'm sorry again"

"It's ok" I say as I walk back to my bike and get on riding back with only muffled voices talking to me. My thoughts were to loud to even think about what the rest of the gang is saying to me. But I don't want to know what they are saying.

And just like that my heart brakes in millions of glass like pieces. I get him and cry every last tear i could cry that day.

She's gone.

Completely gone.

Vanished from my sight.

To far from my reach.

To far away for her to ever know.

Without saying goodbye.

I never got to tell her how I fell about her.

Does she still love me?

Did she ever love me?

Did she find someone new?

Will I find someone new?

What will I tell the others?

How will the others find out?

Should I tell them?

I should have told her sooner!

Why I'm i such a stupidass!

Now she will never know how she made me feel.


The way she smiled and how much it made me smile right back at her or just smile in general.

Her laugh was music to my ears.

Her eyes.
Ugh her eyes.
I could stare at her beautiful  [eye color] eyes all day and night if I was able to!

Her hair it always was soft.

Her outfits always made me stare.

The times she wore a dress made me drool.

Her lips.
They always looked so kissable and when she got nervous she would bite on them.

But now it's all gone.

She's gone.

And I never got to tell her how much I loved her.

I lost the best person I know.

My friend.

My best friend.

My Sunshine.

My girl.

My Everything.

My drug.

My addiction.

My reason to live.

My reason to get up in the morning.

My crush.

My love.

My frist love.

My world.

My universe.


Taken away from me.

She will never know how much I really adored and loved her.

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