Ch 5: Training Session

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Just keep running. I repeat in my mind over and over again as I run all the way from Planeptune to lastation. I am already out of breath but push my body beyond its limit and continue running. i'm getting stronger, slightly. I asked the CPUS if they have any training equipment I could use and they all had some, but lastation's training equipment interested me the most. A gravity chamber, something that will multiply the gravity in the room. It's also been a month since the kidnapping at Lowee, Luckily things have calmed down since then.

Two miles to go. Two miles to go. I repeat, well, two miles till I get to the outskirts of lastation. I suddenly stop as I heavily breath through my mouth. As I catch my breath, I look up and see a plane fly over me that is landing in a lastation airport. Yeah, I could have taken a quicker method. But I want to push myself as hard as I can. I am not going to remain the weakest out of everyone. 

"Huff, huff, huff, wheeze. One more push!" I shout as I charge forward as fast as possible. I finally made it to the outskirts of the city. Finally. I lean on a wall and catch my breath again, come on body, we can do this!

"Huff, huff, huff, puff." I breath heavily, as my phone goes off, Which I pick up and see that noire is calling. "hello? *huff*."

"Max, where are you? I went to planeptune and nepgear told me you went to lastation, on foot." she asks me.

"Yeah, I just made it to the outskirts of your city. Im heading to the basilicom now." I say, jogging slowly.

I hear a sigh on the other end. "Jeez, can't a guy just learn to wait for a girl." I hear her complain. I don't think I was meant to hear that.

"Your still on." I inform her as I see the basilicom in the distance.

I hear a small yelp from the other side. "You heard nothing!" Noire shouts.

"Sure thing, tsundere." I make sure that last part is audible.

"Im not a tsundere!" She shouts before a click from my phone ends the call.

I shake my head and walk my way into the basilicom and as I'm recognized already, I am allowed in and walk my way in and up the elevator to where Uni and Noire live. As soon as the elevator doors open up and I step out, I hear Black heart land on the balcony and walk in and sees me.

"You! I was going to give you an aerial tour of lastation while on the way but then you had to go and walk all the way here! Are you insane! You could have died on the way here if you werent careful." Black heart berates me as she scoffs and undoes her transformation.

"Haha, Sorry, sorry, I couldn't help it. I got too excited once I heard that you have a gravity chamber." I laugh slightly. "But I am glad to know that you worry about me." I remark.

She gives a slight eep as she brightens up slightly. "I-I-I just wanted to show you around, I am contesting with the other goddesses for shares. And having you as an ally would greatly help me out!" She says as I raise an eyebrow at her words. "I mean help lastation out! I ugh!" She lowers her head in embarrassment. 

I give a bit of a chuckle as I pat her head. "It's fine. I get it, there arent that many guys around here and you arent used to it." I justify her actions, "Soo, about that gravity chamber?" I ask cheekily.

She sighs as she shakes her head and leads me down into the halls of lastation's basilicom and into a round room where A control panel was sticking out of the corner, other then the control panel though, it was completely bare of equipment.

"So this is the gravity chamber. Side note, Dont go over five time gravity, you will crush yourself. Some one tried and well. . ." there was a slight pause. "It didnt turn out well."

"Oh, alright then." I say before a brief moment of silence then re-focus."I guess I should start." I stretch.

"Well, im going to the observatory. I have some." Noire pauses again. "Things to catch up on." She finished. {Cosplay, to just let people know what she is really doing!}

After she left, I turn to the console and turn gravity up to 10. I felt the weight of the room, immediately. and it wasn't a good feeling. Well, I didn't blow out my spine yet, so that counts for something. I start walking to the center of the room, which took around ten minutes. Not to mention, the room is about ten feet long. This gravity room is amazing!

I slowly speed up and start running in circles around the room. Over time I start to speed up as I go from a shambling pace to a stumbling pace. Then from a stumbling pace to a slow walk, then to a normal walk, then to a jog. . . I start pushing myself farther as jumping place to place and it doesnt take long I start doing flips around the room. I am adjusting to the room's gravity over time. I start spending what feels like hours in training as suddenly a projector screen with noire on it appears.

"Are you out of your mind!" she shouts at me.

"No." I say while in the middle of doing a hand stand. "But your upside down." I jump back to my feet. "And now your not." I joke as I stretch out my legs.

"So what are you supposed to do when you collapse from exhaustion?" She asks me, in the corner of the screen I can see a closet with various clothing in it. Noire notices where I am looking and shifts the camera in order to block it from my sight.

"Oh, please, as if the last bound warrior will- agh." I stop myself as I fall onto my knees and hands, just realizing how much I pushed myself. Wait, was I getting egotistical? Maybe I should take a little break.

"Oh, my, the famous bound warrior collapsed. What's his next accomplishment? losing a arm?" She taunts me. That comment stung as I think of what might happen if I do lose an arm, will I be able to even fight then?

"Rmmm." I growl, my anger rising up as I focus my willpower within me, feeling it bubble up from my rage.

I then jump to my feet, feeling my power rise as my willpower pushes me to new heights. Noire has a shocked expression as I land on my feet, hardly even feeling the gravity anymore.

"Rmmm, RAAA!" I shout as a explosion of power comes from me. Showing off my training progress. My aura, somewhat, becomes visible as a white around me but it doesnt reach out but sticks around me tightly, giving me a white glow.

"Seems like my training here has paid off." I say, walking over to the console and returning the gravity to normal. I look to the monitor and see she left her room cause the monitor shows her work room but not her.

I exit the room and see noire there. "How are you even alive?!" She loudly asks.

"Im getting stronger, it feels like I can finally take on a target without being in a near death experience, or getting thrown through a wall and being able to get back up and fight again." I joke.

I get a small giggle out of her, i'll take it. Then I get punch to the gut. "Thats for not heeding my advice." She says as I drop to my knees, my aura fades and I clutch my gut.

"I'm still weak from training. You know." I mention as I look up to her, she stands over me with an angry look but a caring attitude in her voice. I feel myself slipping in and out of consciousness.

"Yes, well, maybe you wouldn't be in pain if you listened!" she shouts at me, her hand on my back as a bit of support.

I give a chuckle. "Tsundere." I mumble just before I pass out. Too fatigued after my training to stay awake.


{A shorter chapter but I dont see that as an issue, not every chapter has to be overwhelmingly long but a bit more to point like this one. I hope that everybody enjoyed this shorter chapter as they would one of my longer ones since, after all, its shorter. Well, I am running out of things to say, so I hope everyone has had a good day, or are using my book to escape a bad one cause I sometimes do that as well, (alright I am just rambling on now.) I hope all of you enjoyed the chapter and I hope to see you guys in the next chapter.}

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