Ch.10 meetings and drinks

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Max's pov

The gravity chamber wasnt in need of repair as i thought, but instead was upgraded. Noire gave me a gift, that i really enjoyed. Now, not only is the gravity chamber bigger and with more features, Its portable.

Right now, i am training in my bound form at 100 times the normal gravity, Jumping back and forth as i dodge a ball of energy that could injure me badly if i dont pay attention.

Apparently there is some meeting at lastation that is going on, so i decided what better time to try out the training room then now. Also, im back to normal, that whole wolf/fox thing is done, and now i do not accept any drinks from vert anymore.

I narrowly dodge the bolt of energy as i focus, whoops, let my train of thought out again.

I deactivate the gravity chamber and feel light. Extremely light, i start jumping up and down until, in a way, i dont touch the ground.

"Huh?" i look down and see my feet a good foot away from the ground. I dont know what the heck is happing.

As i wonder what i am doing i think of something. It feels as if my energy is pushing me up. So i direct that feeling infront of me and i move forward.

"I learned to fly!" i shout outloud as i start directing my energy around and zoom about the gravity chamber.

I giggle to myself in glee in this new breakthrough. I land on the ground and walk outside, just to test my flight and yep, i can fly now.

I land on the ground and head out to find four goddess in noire's office.

"Hey guys! i learned to fly!" i proclaim as i enter the room.

"What? nevermind, we have an issue right now, okay? Apparently there is some hacker who got into lastations servers, so we have to find out who." Noire informs me.

"you mean you guys are going to have to find out. I have a little meeting to attend." I tell all of them.

"Oh, since when where you one to have meetings?" vert asks.

"Since now, its just a one time thing. Some guy told me that he has something of mine and wants to have a trade. Though i dont know what he wants." I say.

"Well, hurry back when your done."Noire says before the four goddesses descend down a elevator.

I head out to the balcony and fly off to my location. The ride, may have held a few close calls of planting myself into the many factories of lastation.

"Okay, head to the abandoned facility at bloodborne avenue. Wait, isnt bloodborne a playstation ga-. Wow."i chuckle to myself as i near my location.

Once i land, roughly, on the ground, I look to see green neon lights in a shadow casted by the abandoned facility.

"Im guessing your the one who wanted to meet me?" i say to him. The guy in the shadow, lets out steam and steps out of the shadows to reveal that its a robot in pinkish armor.

"Max, right?" I nod "Yes, one of my employers wanted to give you something in exchange for info. Your weakness." He says bluntly.

"Straight to the point.Well-Well, since you asked so nicely, Its best to put it as my enemy. Beings from the void, Commonly known as void lords." I tell him. "Now, what is it that you have for me?" I ask then him.

"Here." He throws a breif case to me.

I open the brief case and find my old m1911 with two clips and its Hollister.

I smile contently as i thank him and exit the facility.

I almost instantly get a phone call from noire which i pick up.

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