Ch 19 Luthur's adventure with Vert

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Luthur's Pov

As I waken from my shallow rest, my mind runs through the events that have transpired yesterday. I got word from tari that she needed me for something, I go back to this realm, I realize max has been killed and why tari has called me, max's friend forgiving me, max coming back to life and killing tari, unlocking a form of power higher than anything I have ever seen achieved before, then heading to one of the people's basilicom and telling them all I knew, which was nothing, vert saying she'll "take care of me for now" and a mind numbing confrontation with max before heading here to rest.

I look to my hands, I thought they would be shackled, or at least a guard stationed outside my room, but this vert clearly trusts me enough not to do anything against her.

I slide out of the bed and look to my tattered clothing, ridden with holes and slashes. I give a stressed sigh before taking off my remaining armor. Black shoulder pads, black iron knee protectors, there would be more but it was all destroyed.

I sit down on the bed as my right hand rummaged through my thick black hair. I still can't believe that max forgave me that easily. We fought multiple times, two with me as a void lord where I died on both occasions,  and ever since I was a void lord I antagonized him intensely. I killed his disciple, I threatened and attacked him, but. . . he still is able to let that go. I stand up with a scoff, Max gave me a second chance, I shouldnt let that go to waste.

I step out of the guest room and am instantly met by the aroma of bacon, eggs, and toast. The aroma, which is entrancenly strong, makes me move towards the source of it. I peer into one room and see vert sitting at a massive dining table which holds up tons of food, eggs, toast, pancakes, bacon, ham, sausages, and a variety of other morning meals as well.

I slowly walk into the room and into verts line of sight.

"Oh, good morning luthur." She greets to me.

"I-, Morning." I say back, cautiously.

"Is there a issue?" Vert asks, noticing my caution.

"I uh, are we expecting someone to come over?" I ask back, trying not to look at the mass of food.

"No, I though that all bound warriors could eat massive amounts of food, so I wanted to be prepared." Vert explains, looking a bit surprised.

"I'm uh, kinda used to just eating the scraps and whats left," I tell her as I sit down in a seat near her. Looking at the food, I can feel a massive hunger pang come over me. "Are you sure its alright for me to have this much?" I ask one final time.

Vert gives a smile thats a mix of cuted out and something darker, manipulative.

"Of course, I had it planned for you anyways, but I will need your help for a few matters later on." She tells me, her smile both comforting and eerie.

At this point I cant help but dig into the feast, barely able to hold onto table manners of forks and spoons. The table becomes more and more bare as vert sticks to one plate but me, already on my twelfth and putting more on.

"Wow, you seem quite hungry." Vert comments, wiping her mouth with a handkerchief.

I stop from my savage breakfast and lean back on my chair. I give a deep breath, letting the food settle for a second.

"Yeah, I haven't really gotten anything to eat ever since my battle against max." I tell her, putting a hand to my mouth to make sure everything stays down.

"Why not?" Vert asks, intrigued.

"The void lords, yes are powerful, but leave failure as not an option. Punishment is long and painful, draging decades along." I explain.

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