Ch.20 Contest of the goddesses part 1

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3rd person

"What! But that ain't fair! You'll just use max and win!" Neptune argues as a meeting between all of goddesses unfolds.

"I do have to agree with Neptune. A fighting tournament with Max in it is a guaranteed victory for you." Vert says to noire.

"Well, it was his idea, he said it's a good way for us to raise shares and for him to continue training." Noire tells them, almost saying exactly what max said one night while training.

"But that Overpowered form of his gives him an advantage against whoever he fights." Neptune says, stating an obvious fact, at which noire nodded.

"Yes, I brought it up to him and he swore to me that he wouldnt use ultimate binding in the tournament, he will try to fight fair." Noire tells the others. Vert looks like she was deep in thought before a small smile crept onto her face.

"Then I agree. We shall make a tournament." Vert nods.

"What are you planning?" Blanc asks, in her blanc expression.

"Well, Noire isnt the only one with a Bound warrior on her side." Vert states, as ever since the last attack with tari, luthur has been staying mostly at leanbox, mainly because vert has been dragging luthur onto adventures.

"What! But that means both lastations AND Leanbox have an advantage over us!" Neptune realizes, as she mainly speaks to blanc.

"Yes it seems that way." Blanc notes with a slight nod.

But as the conversation/arguement continues in an adjacent room is another meeting. In the room is Max, Luthic, and a third member are also having a meeting.

The third member has a blue hoodie, jeans and shaggy brown hair that falls in front of his eyes. The boy himself looks to be about 16.

"So, why am I here again?" The teen asks, agitated.

"Because, your too lazy! Your the author, your suppose to write, not play games!" Max argues.

The teen, more accurately known as the author, sighs. "Look, I know I need to be more active on wattpad, but I get easily side tracked. I'm sorry." He apologizes.

"I dont even have a story." Luthic comments.

"Yet." The author says. "I just need something suitable to throw you in and decide if its in the past or present."

"Oh, um, Okay." Luthic leans forward, not sure what to say.

"Look, don't give up gaming, but perhaps try allocating some time other than Friday to write." Max tells the author.

"Yeah, your past 25 followers, you dont want to let them down now, right?" Luthic asks, using guilt on the author.

"I- I'll try my best." The author admits in defeat.

Max, content with this meeting, nods as they all get up. They get up, then walk out of the little room with nothing but a table around it, and walk into the hallway of planeptune.

As the odd trio walked out of the room, the author grabbed his phone out of his pocket, and typed something into it.

Then the goddesses walked out of their meeting room, which was alot nicer then the room the trio was in.

Then, a gateway, similer to what max uses opens up as the author jumps into it.

"Um, who was that?" Neptune asks, suprised at the event that just occurred.

{Ah, back in my little abode. Alright, now that the meta meeting is over, I can continue gamin- uh, I guess It wont hurt to do some writing.}

"Hey, author! How did you do that!" Neptune shouts, looking up.

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