Chapter 13

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"No!!" I screamed pushing my chakra into him but started to choke on the blood filling my lung. I leaned over Jiraiya and pulled him close to me and summoned all the rest of my chakra to teleport but right before I did I felt a searing pain rip through my stomach as two rods pierced through me. I let out a choked scream and teleported us to the Hokage's office. I stayed laying on top of Jiraiya sobbing into his vest but my breathing became more and more shallow.

"Sayuri!" I heard Tsunade shout accompanied by the clicking of her heals. I felt the three rods being pulled out of my back along with the one in my leg and I let out a scream of pain

"Shizune get in here!" She shouted above me

"Tsu-cough-nade...check Ji-raiya" I muttered in between my sobs and coughs and I felt her hands press to my back

"I....I can't sense his c-chakra...He's gone" She muttered from above me quietly

"What is it Lady Tsu- Sauri...Jiraiya..? What happened?" Shizune asked as she ran into the room.

"Go get Kakashi and bring him here immediately, he just got back today" She ordered

"Y-yes milady" She stuttered out before running off

"What happened Sayuri?" Tsunade asked but I just shook my head digging myself deeper into his chest, his hand still in my hair.

Kakashi's Pov:

I walked into my house to be greeted by Katsuo setting food on the table for Itsuki and Hachiro

"Hey dad!" Itsuki cheered coming up and hugging me

"Hey boys, where is Sayuri?" I asked looking down at them while walking over to the table

"She said she was going to do a quick mission with Jiraiya" Hachiro told me and I furrowed my brows slightly

"Jiraiya?...Did she say what they were doing?" I asked as Katsuo set a bowl of soup in front of me

"She said it was to--" Katsuo started but was interrupted by a banging on our front door then the sound of it being thrown open. I quickly jumped up in front of the boys to protect them

"Kakashi come quick it's Sayuri!" Shizune yelled and I immeidatly went to follow and the boys tagged along quickly. We sprinted across the rooftops and when we got to the door we barged straight in. I was met with a sight that almost brought me to my knees. Sayuri was hunched over and sobbing onto Jiraiya, they were both bloody and beaten up. Jiraiya's eyes were closed but he had a smile on his face and his hand on Sayuri's head. Sayuri had a hole in her thigh, two in her stomach and one in her shoulder. Her hair was matted and bloody just like Jiraiya' thing was different though.. I could not sense Jiraiya's chakra anymore... Tsunade had silent tears coming down her cheeks but she had her hands pressed firmly to Sayuri's back healing all of her wounds

"Shizune come heal her leg" Tsunade ordered and Shizune quickly went over and started healing

"Mom..?" I heard Katsuo whisper

"Boy's please wait outside okay.. She will be fine" I said as I pushed them all outside the door and closed it. I rushed over and sat on the other side of Jiraiya and felt for a pulse...Nothing... I picked his hand up off of Sayuri's head and replaced it with my own.

"Sayuri?" I whispered to her but she didn't respond. I felt tears come to my own eyes but pushed them away..

"Lady Tsunade is she going to be okay?" I asked looking at the blood that was pooling on Jiraiya's vest that was coming from her mouth that was hanging open as she cried.

"She has a punctured lung and a handful of broken ribs and a few ruptured organs..." She said in a surprisingly strong voice

"Her femur was almost completely cut in half" Shizune added

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