Chapter 17

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The next day I woke up ready to start rebuilding the village, I got up and started to get ready. I was half way through pulling up my pants that I felt breath on my neck. I squeeked and turned around quickly to come face to face with Kakashi

"What the hell Kakashi?" I asked glaring at him

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked sternly and I rolled my eyes

"I'm going to help rebuild the village" I said simply pulling up my pants and reaching under Kakashi's arm to grab a shirt

"No, you are still injured" He said trying to stop me from pulling my shirt on but I just rolled my eyes and avoided his hand.

"Come on Kakashi look I can even use my chakra" I said as I focused chakra in my feet and walked up the wall and on the ceiling. My face was about even with Kakashi's and my hair hung down past my head and he smirked

"What if you fell right now?" He asked and I scoffed and suddenly widened my eyes like I was about to fall and Kakashi quickly moved to catch me but I didn't budge. I just laughed at his worried face as he narrowed his eyes at me.

"Oh come on I am a big girllll" I whined crossing my arms and walking forward a bit so my face was closer to Kakashi. I pulled down his mask and kissed his soft inviting lips letting myself fall from the ceiling and flipping to catch myself. When I straightened up I poked his nose smiling at him then walking out of our bedroom. It took him a minute to gather himself before coming after me

"You having that breathing problem again?" I asked teasingly as he fell into step with me walking out the front door. He didn't really respond it was mostly disgruntled phrases about me being a tease and being immature that made me laugh. As we walked I saw a blur of orange and yellow run past me and quickly shot a chakra arm out to catch him.

"Hey Naruto" I said casually and he yelped at the sudden grip but smiled as I pulled him over

"Auntie!" He squealed like a child and I let him go and he ran up the rest of the way and picked me up hugging me and spinning me around.

"Naruto don't she's still hurt" Kakashi said as his visible eye nearly bulged out of his head but I just laughed loudly.

"I'm so proud of you Naruto you did so great" I said happily ruffling his hair as he set me down.

"You did amazing too Sayuri sensei, I mean, this village would be a whole lot more destroyed if it wasn't for you" He said and I smiled sweetly

"So Yamato told me you got all the way to nine tails but stopped, how'd you do it?" I asked and his face lit up like a Christmas tree as he had a on his face and jumped up and down

"I met him!!" He yelled catching the attention of the passers by

"Met who?" I asked and couldn't help but smile just as widely as he jumped in place

"My dad! The Fourth Hokage" He squealed and I jumped up too like a child, hugging him

"Isn't he like the best!" I muffled into his shoulder and he pulled away

"Mhhmm mmmhmm he is, and you were right he looks just like me, he fixed my seal and helped me get control back" He said excitedly and I grinned

"That's so awesome Naruto! Gosh it's so great you finally know I hated keeping that secret, he was a wonderful teacher. He and your mom basically took Kakashi and I in when we were younger" I told him happily and Naruto grinned at Kakashi then me again.

"Yeah he was my teacher years before Sayuri joined, he was a great shinobi" Kakashi said and I smiled at him.

"So Naruto where were you off too in such a hurry?" I asked and he pointed down the street

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