Chapter 21

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"My Sayuri how far have you come just to run away from that Copy Ninja" Someone said in my ear

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"My Sayuri how far have you come just to run away from that Copy Ninja" Someone said in my ear. I quickly spun around but not fast enough to stop the incoming snake that bit my arm and almost immediately making me tired. I saw the faintest glimmer of glasses and groaned before everything went black

Kakashi's Pov:

My shoulder was stinging slightly from were the tree branch had hit and I was looking into big brown eyes and realized our lips were touching with only my thin mask seperating us... but it was like I couldn't move, all I could do was look into her eyes. Then I saw a faint glimmer of gold in my peripheral vision and my heart stopped. I quickly pulled away from Hanare and helped her up.

"Sorry.... Uh gotta go" I said quickly before sprinting off towards my tent. When I opened the flap nobody was there and I let out a shaky sigh and ran my fingers through my hair and kicked the small table knocking it over

"Shit" I muttered before running out of the tent asking anyone I knew if they had seen Sayuri.

"Yeah, she just gave me one of her kunai about ten minutes ago and told me to use it in case something bad happens" Kiba explained when I asked him

"Throw it" I half ordered half asked and he gave me a weird look

"She's your wife don't you have one too?" He asked but pulled out the kunai

"Yes but she won't come if I throw it" I said hastily and he shrugged throwing it into the ground... nothing..

"Shit" I muttered again

"What's going on?" Kiba asked picking up the kunai and putting it back

"Uhh.. nothing I gotta go" I said hastily. After looking around the tents for another thirty minutes It came a time where I had to walk through the large building with the other commanders. I was fidgeting slightly with the ring on my left hand in my pocket so nobody would see it. As Gaara gave his speech I was only half paying attention until he said something that made my breath catch in my throat

"..Two Leaf Shinobi saved me.. One showed me what love was when I was young and reminded me of what it was when I was older. She showed me kindness even when I had attacked someone she considered her son, she even healed me after that battle because she too calls me her son. She told me that day something I will never forget 'I do not blame those are simply following orders.. Nor do I blame those who have struggled through life and gone down the wrong path as long as they choose the right one in the end' Since that day I chose the right path that led me here to you all today as Kazekage. Let's all make the choice right now to work together in this war and chose the right path!..." He said and I zoned out slightly 'Sayuri where are you..' I thought to myself. As Gaara finished his speech and everyone cheered we walked back through the halls. I grabbed Gaara's arm stopping his movement as the other three comanders continued down the stairs.

"What is it?" He asked me and I sighed again

"I can't find Sayuri.. Have you seen her?" I asked and his eyes went wide

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