Chapter 26

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"I'll leave this one to you two!" I called as I jumped back to where the others were just as Naruto and Minato created a between the two huge Kurama chakra bodies. I watched as Tobirama teleported them back inside the barrier and they attacked using the Rasengan that was deflected. Obito clapped his hands together and the Ten Tail's came out of his body and my eyes went wide. The barrier disappeared as a massive tree sprouted out of the back of the Ten Tail's and just seemed to keep growing higher and higher. Huge roots sprouted and spread along the ground, a few of them grabbed hold of Naruto and Minato while others grabbed random shinobi. My eyes widened and a fear spread through my body as I watched the men that were caught become skinnier and skinner to the point of being skin and bones and quickly looked over to Naruto and Minato as I carefully dodged around roots that came after me. I saw Minato and Tobirama but could no longer see Naruto. I quickly teleported to him and saw several roots wrapping around him. I quickly took out my tanto and sliced through them quickly and grabbed Naruto pulling him back to Minato and Tobirama. Naruto was limply hanging over my shoulder but I heard him chuckle slightly

"Thanks Sayuri" Naruto muttered tiredly and I smiled

"I will always help you Naruto... I don't think I would be able to face Kushina if I failed her" I said quietly as Tobirama teleported us all away.

"Me neither" Minato added from the other side of Tobirama. Naruto gasped and started to shake angrily as he looked around at all the bodies surrounding us. I carefully set him on his feet and steadied him. I looked at the that was now in front of us, there was a pinkish bud at the top of the tree and I got a queasy feeling in my stomach.

"Kazuki what is this?" I asked and felt my chakra seep out to form a large but not full sized Kazuki in front of me.

"This is really not good.." He muttered looking at it

"We figured that much but what is it?" Naruto asked still shaking slightly

"That is Ten Tail's final form.. Obito intends to reflect the Ten Tail's sharingan upon the moon and put everyone in the Infinite Tsukuyomi.. I assume that due to the lack of Eight and Nine Tails chakra it will take longer for the bud to blossom.. But not by long we need to cut that tree down" Kazuki explained and we all nodded but then I heard a scream that made my chest tighten

"Shikamaru!!" Ino screamed somewhere far away

"No.." I whispered

"I have to go.. Tobirama or Minato come to me if you need anything" I said quickly before teleporting to Shikamaru. He was pale and his cheeks were hollowed from lack of chakra, several of the kids were already around before I even got there

"Sayuri sensei can you help him?" Ino asked, tears running down her cheeks. I nodded quickly and activated my Hundred Healings and as the black marks spread over my body I laid my hands on top of Shikamaru's chest.

"Dad.. I'm sorry.. Looks like I'm right on your heels.." Shikamaru whispered then I heard uneven footsteps near us

"You better not die before me son" Came Shikaku's tired and uneasy voice as he ungracefully fell to his knees next to me. Shikamaru's eyes snapped open as he looked at him

"Dad..? how are you here?" He asked and I felt my chest tighten because I knew Ino was looking around to search for Inoichi.

"Sayuri came to help.." He said in the same tired voice but with a little more sadness mixed in

"I-is my dad.." Ino started but she didn't have to finish her sentence because a few tears dripped onto Shikamaru's chest

"I'm sorry Ino... I tried" I whispered as I kept healing Shikamaru. I heard her sniffle from the other side of Shikamaru and felt my heart break a little more and figured that I was going to die from what I had suffered for the day.. To think I woke up next to Gai and started the day fighting Jiraiya and Sakumo..

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