Chapter 34

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(Time skip about month)

"Why do I feel so gross" I whined to Katsuo and Hikaru who were sitting at the kitchen table reading some scrolls

"Maybe you should go see a doctor?" Hikaru offered up as I looked through the fridge for something to eat

"I'm a medical ninja.. You'd think I would know" I pointed out looking past the door of the fridge at him and he just shrugged

"Have you actually checked?" Katsuo asked swiveling in his chair to look at me and I smiled awkwardly

"No.. I guess I haven't" I said scratching the back of my neck as he rolled his eyes

"I swear mom, if we so much as sneeze you do a full blown medical exam on us but if you feel awful for a week you don't even bother to check" He said as he turned back in his chair but I knew he was somewhat amused.

"You're right you're right" I said and closed the fridge. I lifted my shirt and held it with my teeth while I ran my hands over my stomach first and completely froze on the spot.

"You okay mom?" Hikaru asked wearily but I just dropped my shirt out of my teeth as I grinned

"Yup, I gotta go though, be back in a bit" I said quickly sprinting out the door full speed. Even without teleporting I was probably the quickest shinobi in the village. A walk from my house to the Hokage tower was about fifteen minutes, a average shinobi who was running could make it in four, I was bursting through the door to Kakashi's office within a minute. I didn't take notice to the Anbu guard, Shikamaru or Naruto who were all in the room. I just hurtled over his desk and knocking him right out of his chair and he hit the ground with a loud thud

"Hmmphhh" he grunted

"Lord Hokage!" Someone I didn't recognize yelled and I turned my head to see Naruto holding back a Anbu guard

"Whatever she is here for he probably deserves it" Naruto muttered and I giggled a bit.

"Sayuri what the hell" Kakashi grumbled wiggling so he wasn't in such an awkward position and rubbed his hand to his back. I stayed on my hands and knees hovering above him panting slightly but grinning like crazy

"What?" He asked again somewhat annoyed and I rolled my eyes half heartedly

"I'm pregnant!" I squealed and he froze all movement he had been making and just stared at me blankly

"Say that again?" He asked but I just yanked down his mask and kissed him. When I pulled back I quickly pulled back his mask so the ever peaking Naruto wouldn't see

"I said I'm pregnant" I repeated and he quickly flipped us over. Our feet we hidden under the desk and the chair was somewhere to the other side of us.

"Really?" he asked incredulously

"Really!!" I squealed again and I could tell he was grinning like an idiot.

"See look" I said as I pulled my shirt up slightly a grabbed his hand placing it on my stomach leaving him on the other for balance. I then placed mine over his and pushed chakra into it making both of our hands glow green and we both could sense the outline of a baby's body. His eyes widened as he looked between our hands and my face.

"Congrats Sensei's" Naruto cheered in the background and I laughed loudly. Kakashi smiled and got to his feet pulling me with him

"Shikamaru, could you stay in the office for a bit until I get Lady Tsunade?" Kakashi asked and I rocked back and forth on my heals excitedly

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