SnowFall High

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Their bus pulled up at the school. The high school was way better then any they have been to so the knew their gym had to be big. Hinata waddle out holding his stomach not feeling so well. Everyone else followed and tried to help his sickness but were called out from the other team, their captain Rin smiled and waved to them. Rin was tall as kageyama, with blonde hair, blue eyes and very kind.
"I'll stay behind.... I don't feel so good for walking at the moment.." Hinata said almost throwing up. Kageyama felt bad for him so he stayed with him just to make sure.
"I'll stay behind as well I don't feel like checking out a school when I'm only here for the day and probably never coming back or going to this school." Kageyama said roughly to his teammates and the captain to the other team. Rin stared with a confused look, worried for something he wanted to be nice to become horrible. The rest of the team just smiled and wave trying to act what Kageyama said toward the Rin.

Hinata leaned on a tree outside sighing and feeling better, as Kageyama stood by him talking to him. Some taller males walked over to them. They never seen them before they one spoke and laughed after.
"Are you guys that volleyball team we need to beat to dust today?" "Ha look at the orange hair one."The two male laughed at them. Kageyama growled under his breathe then spoke with anger.
"We will beat you! With my tosses and Hinata spikes we are better then any of you." Both of the males looked at each other and One grabbed Kageyama shirt, since they were both taller then him. Hinata stood up yelling at him.
"PUT KAGEYAMA DOWN!!" Hinata jumped punching the guy in the face since he would be to short for a normal punch to the face and it would on hit the guy upper chest. They other male spoke to Hinata, grabbing his shoulders scaring him lightly.
"That is Yuri and I'm Nagisa, and don't punch him again or I'll kill you myself." Hinata eyes widen at Nagisa he would be taller then Kageyama by a inch and way taller then Him. Kageyama kicked his way free tackling Yuri to the ground, then looked over at Nagisa and Hinata.
"Hinata get the team and their captain! Now!" Kageyama said in panic, knowing they shouldn't fight and knew they couldn't win. Yuri punched Kageyama when he wasn't looking and knocked him out, getting up grabbing Hinata throwing him to the ground as Nagisa stepped on his foot and Yuri would twist Hinata since he couldn't move a muscle and yell in pain. The scream caused Kageyama to get back and saw Hinata his heart skipped a few beats. Kageyama had a nose bleed as well but seeing Hinata cry from the pain broke his heart. The team ran out hearing the screaming, Nagisa and Yuri noticed them but wasn't noticed and ran off into the school. Kageyama jumped to his knees kneeling down by Hinata.
"Hinata!! Are you ok?!!" Kageyama yelled in fear at him and worried for his foot.
"Hinata!!" Everyone yelled seeing Hinata foot twisted. Hinata tried getting up with help by Kageyama. Everyone started asking questions, Rin bowed to Hinata hearing his own teammates who we're suppose to be nice were rude as normal.
"I'll kick them from the game, but if anything broken please allow me to get them to pay for the bill and everything else that needed and k-Kageyama is it? I'm sorry for the trouble for that blooded nose.. come I'll help you with that." Kageyama sighed and follows Rin. Hinata was picked up and taken to the first aid, but Hinata limped out trying to show he was fine.
"Everything fine is I can walk.."
the team looked at each other then sighed.
"Fine you can play.. but if you can't handle the jump don't do it, we don't need it to get broken and more painful for you." sugawara said worried and not agreeing with his team.
"Thank you Sugawara!!" Hinata bowed to him a few times not really putting weight on his foot. Kageyama and Rin came back.
"Hinata your walking? Did you break anything? Sprained?" Kageyama asked him calmly. Hinata looked to his side knowing Kageyama would be one to say he useless and should sit out cause he could be a reason they lose.
"O-oh ya nothing wrong with my foot I can jump high and spike that ball down still! With no problem." Hinata stomach would get upset again but he tried hiding it, then limped off to the bathroom. His team told Kageyama he was lying and Kageyama stomped off following Hinata. Rin smiled nervously and show the rest of the team to the Court.
"T-this is where we will play." Rin struggled to speak being scared from what happened earlier. The team sat down and Rin yelled at Nagisa and Yuri for what they did, but now they had to wait another 10 minutes so Hinata can get his foot some rest before the game started.

Hinata and Kageyama Where stories live. Discover now