Im scared.

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Hinata and kageyama woke the next morning, to a loud knocking. Kageyama as the owner of the house went to open it to find sugawara asking 20 questions at once.
"Wow, sugawara calm down.. what is wrong?" Kageyama seem calmer then normal since he slept with Hinata.
"Hinata!! Is here with you!?! He left the house last night! I'm worried he ran off or was taken!"
Sugawara was panicking as kageyama knew.
"He here with me.. he wanted me to toss to him like before he sprained his foot, and it was to late to send him home knowing he was in pain so I let him stay over. Hope that fine." Kageyama lied to sugawara.
"Oh ok! That's good I thought I lost him.. and had to tell everyone.." sugawara put his hand behind his head smiling.
"Mhm.." kageyama yawned and now only made small sounds.
"Well see you at practice" sugawara said walking off. Kageyama closed the door yawning again then looked at the time, it was still early, so he went to take a shower as Hinata went back to sleep.
~10 minutes later~
Hinata was half dressed and limped out to the kitchen as kageyama made breakfast. Hinata sat down waiting for the food.
"You should put on a shirt stupid." Kageyama said putting two plates down as he sat.
"To tired." Hinata replied yawning.
"To bad, my house my rules." Kageyama seem to be his normal self again mad, scary and always anger at Hinata.
"...." Hinata went quiet and put on a shirt then ate breakfast with kageyama.
~after breakfast~
Hinata and kageyama went to school, Hinata Leaned on kageyama for support. Hinata didn't speak though or answer kageyama.
"Earth to Hinata"
"Oi Hinata!" Kageyama tried to get Hinata attention.
"Kageyama." Hinata finally spoke but he seemed off.
"Yes Hinata?" Kageyama said with little angry.
"Am I useless?" Hinata looked down after asking that question. Kageyama froze for a second almost causing Hinata to fall.
"Wait what?" Kageyama wasn't sure what to say, since he didn't know if it suppose to be friendly or his normal scary self to answer.
"Am I useless" Hinata repeated.
"What is this all about?" Kageyama asked wanting an answer for such a stupid question.
"No reason." Hinata replied with.
"There has to be a reason! I'm not that stupid Hinata!" Kageyama grabbed Hinata shirt collar gripping it tightly as he lifted him up.
"Just a Radom thought I guess... or cause my foot.." Hinata glare looked down, tear slowly formed in his eyes.
"Well to answer you question from before.. your not useless you understand, your the only reason I'm so good In volleyball, and the team changed me, you changed me." Kageyama sighed putting him down.
"Oh... ok, but I'm still not on the court so I can't play, A-And win! Like e---" Hinata was going to have a mental break down but was stop by kageyama deep mean fully hug.
"Your not useless..." kageyama whispered to his ears.
"Kageyama.." Hinata had another question to ask him though.
"What is it now Hinata."
"Am I annoying you?" Hinata asked with wet eyes.
"No why even ask that? And why so many questions.." kageyama seem to get annoyed but kept his cool.
"I don't know..." Hinata was clueless to what he asked as well.
"Alright..." kageyama said awkwardly. The mood changed they are not sure if they should hug, keep walking or let a kiss slip from their lips. It was already awkward so they walked off to school still hugging as Hinata used kageyama as support.
~at school~
Hinata just sat in his chair he didn't talk to anyone or did anything. Kageyama on the other hand was doing his school work, doing everything he could. But they both wanted the last bell of the day to go off, and when it did they both met up outside the gymnastics and talked till everyone else came. Hinata follows everyone in look down and watched, thinking.
"I'm scared... to lose everything. To lose everyone, to lose my jump. To lose kageyama." Hinata was sacred for what's next.

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