Hinata Down for the call

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Kageyama came into the bathroom slamming the door open and closing it.
"HINATA!! YOU LAIR!!" Kageyama yelled with anger at Hinata as he held his stomach letting his foot leaning on the wall. Kageyama couldn't help stare at him and blush lightly.
"I'm sorry Kageyama, I just know if you think I'm weak you wouldn't toss to me and never again till my foot better or never." Hinata eyes watered looking at the ground. Kageyama walked to him and lifted his head.
"You listen to me right now Hinata, I'll toss to you even your going to let me win this game but, you could get more worse if it sprain it can break more easily and no one wants that." kageyama stated to him. "mostly me Hinata." kageyama thought to himself more worried since Hinata wouldn't even put his foot on the floor unless he limping. No doubt about his foot mostly is sprained from being twisted the wrong way but not to the point where it would break. They both walked out of the bathroom Hinata limping and leaned on kageyama. Everyone stared at them their teammates giggled at how close they were and kageyama blushed lightly. Hinata looked at him, he hoped that kageyama would tell their teammates he was ok to play.
"Hinata hurt.. but I think he fine at the moment so he can play, But Hinata if it get more painful you need to stop." Kageyama said loudly so the other team could hear. Hinata noticed that the other team didn't have many player for some reason. Rin walked over, seeming more upset then he normally is.
"I'm sorry but only few of our players can play so nagisa and yuri will have to play.. few of our player are sick, from training to hard." rin stated. Hinata thought this could be their time to shine. Then Hinata saw the other team players they we're way taller then his teammates. Hinata knowing he was shorter would have problems trying to get passed their blocks unless, his and Kageyama special move works. Hinata sighed and his stomach felt sick again but it was time for the game, they all line up and got ready the other team was beginning with the ball, yuri was one starting the game off.
30 minutes later.
The game was 24 snowfall and 23 them. Hinata foot was killing him but he hasn't got a toss the whole game, he jumped to get the last block from that round. He failed since his foot didn't allow him to go higher. Snowfall has one the first game and now they started. The ball got over the net it passed and it came back they kept going on a few times. Hinata was panting and didn't do much. They went on and half winning when the other team was starting with the ball again the score was 15 snowfall and 17 our team. Nagisa was now severing and he aimed right at Hinata knowing he couldn't do anything. Nagisa hit it, it hit Hinata arms and his sprained foot slide and twisted when the ball hit him, all that was heard was a small cracking sound and thud. Hinata was down.

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