Kageyama break down for Crush

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Kageyama snapped at him.
"NEVER SAY THAT AGAIN!! HINATA WOULD NEVER LEAVE ANYONE HE TO LOYAL AND HE CARES ABOUT ME AND EVERYONE!" Kageyama yelled at the top of his lungs. Everyone stood frozen for a moment Hinata would wake from the yelling though and stay asleep / Passed out. Kageyama stormed out.
"Dang it! I messed this up! Everyone will know!" Kageyama punched a wall in anger he never showed his feelings to anyone but Hinata times, only anger or victory was shown by him.
After 20 minutes everyone left. Hinata was a waken then they gave him get well soon gifts. Hinata loved everything he got a volleyball, meat buns and many more things. Kageyama came after everyone was gone to see him since he was planning to stay over night with him for the time. Everyone else wanted to take turns but they we're only allowed one person for the whole time he stays, Kageyama was the one to come with him when he was picked up so he was chosen. Kageyama sat near him smiling.
"So how the foot" he said trying to talk to Hinata.
"Hurts a lot but I'm sure I still can play!!" Hinata said cheerfully. Hinata got out of the hospital bed and fell forwards since his foot was broken. Kageyama jumped up to his feet and Hinata face hit him down below. Kageyama face went bright red and held back his yell. Hinata was on his knees not moving from where he was. Kageyama then grabbed Hinata by his arms holding him up.
"Hinata.. you are so-" kageyama stopped what he was about to say seeing Hinata was scared. Hinata eyes widen he was blushing. Kageyama kissed him and put him on the hospital bed.  Kageyama sat back down taking out a book and read. Hinata was blushing still and just laid there.
"I-I'm sorry Kageyama"
"Hinata I don't care, it did hurt but I'm fine" Kageyama stated. After that they went quiet and lights around the hospital were going out.

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