Teamates and oikawa

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The team came by later, only few people at the time though. They left many gifts for kageyama. Spoke to him and waited to see if he would wake, still nothing. Oikawa was in the room at all times unless he went to get something to eat. He was stressed and worried over kageyama. He wanted him to wake up, hopefully he would remember everything when he woke too. Few days pasted by. Kageyama still hasn't woken up.
Kageyama finally started to wake. Oikawa yelled for a doctor.
"DOCTOR HE WAKING!" Oikawa then ran back inside and sat beside kageyama.
"Where am I?... where hinata?.." kageyama asked his voice was very hard to hear but Oikawa understood.
"Your in the hospital... hinata at home he perfectly fine.." Oikawa gulped. Kageyama looked at Oikawa and he started to shake.
"T-The car... the car... it... it crashed.." kageyama mutter out. Oikawa nodded.
"Yes yes I know don't worry your gonna make it." Oikawa smiled. Kageyama shook his head.
"N-No.. the car.. was my fathers..." kageyama whined. Oikawa eyes widen.
"W-WHAT!" Oikawa held kageyama slightly.
"H-HOW DID YOU KNOW!?" Oikawa was now scared. Kageyama was still shaking.
"I know... his eyes and face that car... did they find out who hit us.." kageyama asked and said. Oikawa shook his head.
"No the man.. I'm guessing ran.." Oikawa said then noticed that it seem right that it would be kageyama father, but how?
A doctor walked in and checked kageyama. Oikawa then went to talk to the doctor after he checked kageyama. A doctor nodded then told a nurse to called the police.
-1 hour later-
The police came to the hospital asked people who were there. Only one person seen his father run. They asked this lady. Oikawa stayed with kageyama the whole time. Hinata then came later since he need to be questioned as well. Kageyama was mostly asked. Then Oikawa since he had connects with kageyama family.

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