5 months later.

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It been 5 months since Hinata got Injured.
(I am a wear that most will not like this 5 month skip. But now this will get more interesting on my part instead of trying to think of ideas of them in a same house, Hinata sad and stuff. These next parts will be kinda sad though for Hinata.)

Hinata was jumping around with his teammates. Everyone was happy to see him back to normal. Kageyama mostly, he loved give Hinata tosses even though he only dose it to win. Also to win Hinata love. They haven't been talking much unless for practice or school work. They we're not sure what to do now. Do they go on and become lovers or do they stays "friends" they were not sure and couldn't ask the team for help anyway.
~at practice~
Hinata went up for a huge jump and spiked the ball down everyone smiled and cheered him on, kageyama was about to hug him but then just smacked him on the head.
"You can do way better Hinata"
"Be easy on poor Hinata he has been doing this for 6 month kageyama" sugawara said to him in a mother tune.
"Stop treating me like a little kid!" Hinata pouted at the both of them.
"Your still doing great Hinata!" Nishinoya said proudly to Hinata putting his arm around him.kageyama got little jealous over this and rolled his eyes.
"He just a boke"
"Why do you always call me nicknames kageyama!" Hinata pouted again, his lip quivering. Everyone just stared at the two ready to stop a fight. Kageyama smacked him and walked off.hinata rubbed his head whimpering a bit. Practice was soon over anyway, so kageyama leaving wasn't to big thing, only that he had clean the Gym with everyone.
~after cleaning the gym~
Hinata walked out laughing with nishinoya. Hinata spotted kageyama then went to him hugging him.
"Are you jealous?" Hinata asked holding back his laugh.
"n-No!! Why would I be jealous!?!" Kageyama panicked not sure what to say. Hinata laughed and climb him.
"What are you doing dumb...!" Kageyama yelled.
"I want to kiss you! Don't you want a kiss!" Hinata pouted.
"WHAT!!!" Kageyama yelled everyone near them looked then he ran off. Hinata follows tackling him smiling. Kageyama looked around they we're alone at a park near by and kageyama kissed him. Hinata made a weird sound. His face went bright red, kageyama smirked lightly then sat up keeping Hinata on his lap.
"I'm glad your better now Hinata"
"Same here kageyama! Now I can do volleyball again! And my foot doesn't hurt at all...!" Hinata was lying, but kageyama didn't catch this small lie. Kageyama just wanted to cuddle and snuggle each other.
"Your so warm Hinata.." Kageyama said smirking.
"Ha! Ha, ha! Kageyama stop!" Hinata made weird sounds again and blushed.

~20 minutes later~
Hinata and kageyama went home. Hinata didn't sleep the whole time. His foot hurt him he didn't want to take his medicine. So he just stayed up looking at the wall, so his little sister or mother woke up. He was also crying cause the pain but something else. He just wanted to be better he wants to play the whole game not half he doesn't want pain.
"Why.. it hurts so much.."

Hinata and Kageyama Where stories live. Discover now